Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Well we thought it was either a rent man or somebody collecting for the council .
2 Head towards the cafeteria and you 'll see the Greenpeace marquee to the right , where you register for the walk .
3 Conciliation facilities are available in the county courts where you go for the divorce .
4 And when you that lay down you can look at whoever what the other players have got face up and you either go for a player or you go for the maximum points .
5 Nothing gives so bad an impression to the other members of the committee and to the officers present than a member who talks without having read his agenda papers , or who has missed an earlier meeting where the matter was fully discussed or who talks for the sake of talking on every subject .
6 It led to an abandoned fishing hamlet called Hamningberg , where we camped for the night in a grassy field studded with interesting saxifrages and other flowers .
7 That evening we left Fort St Nogent on a coach for the Gare de Lyons where we embarked for the south of France on an overnight express .
8 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
9 A bookshop should be a familiar place , somewhere where one goes for the sheer love of books , for the smell and feel of them , for the companionship of others who share the joy of touching , holding , reading and learning .
10 Can I say that I hope Mr or or whoever writes for the County Council would n't use the form of words , but erm although I am instructed by my clients that they would be satisfied with the change to a single triangle , erm I do n't think that they would be satisfied if you in making that change , you accompanied by a form of words which said the County Council are still committed to building an outer .
11 The overwhelming majority of Russians — some 83 per cent in the 1989 census — lived in the Russian Republic , where they accounted for the same proportion of the local population .
12 Male black grouse or blackcocks congregate at traditional lekking sites where they compete for the attentions of the females .
13 He did no wilful damage but regarded himself as entitled to go where he wished for the purpose in his mind without regard to the rights of ownership and the alleged presence of man traps and spring guns .
14 In 1837 he was apprenticed to his uncle James S. Stirling at Dundee foundry , where he worked for the next six years and where some locomotives were built for the Arbroath and Forfar Railway which influenced his own later designs .
15 In business for himself , first near St Paul 's , but by 1812 firmly established at the Royal Exchange in Cornhill ( where he remained for the rest of his career , apart from an enforced absence during the rebuilding of 1838–44 ) , Wilson became the determined champion of a free press — ‘ It is like the air we breathe ; if we have it not , we die . ’
16 Mick began , then paused where it asked for the name of the vehicle 's owner .
17 Working with the head of naval aviation , Admiral Shigemi Inoue , Yamamoto submitted a detailed memorandum to the Minister — where it rested for the moment .
18 The train braked to a shuddering halt at the Paisley signal box where it remained for the next thirty minutes whilst the driver and guard proceeded to examine the underside and topside of the train .
19 When the partnership was dissolved he moved his office to Great George Street , Westminster , where it remained for the rest of his life .
20 The drawback is the cost of insisting that everyone goes for the same type of equipment .
21 This he did , and it was then that I experienced for the first time his unexpected propensity for one-liners , conjured out of thin air .
22 It was at a dinner party in the flat , when they were in the kitchen together fetching yogurt and raspberries , that I heard for the first time one of them turn on the other in anger .
23 I mean it 's about sort of you know in it 's about increasing the erm where we are within our own particular sphere and it 's far too much I mean people it 's interesting that I mean for the , it seems to me an and once again correction but it seems to me the last five years the empowerment thing was really strong and now managers are moving away from it and saying it 's jargon as a means of diluting it .
24 And I believe it was then , looking on that view , that I began for the first time to adopt a frame of mind appropriate for the journey before me .
25 Jo Spence I think it was then I was ill that I understood for the first time what it was to be a victim .
26 However , once we start to distort the operation of open justice and the consideration of the matters , we may very well , through the operation of rumour and all its insidious effects that are so damaging in libel cases — the only justification that I know for the high damages granted in such cases — inflict more damage on justice than we realise .
27 But I did it through the love , fo , that I had for the couple , and that because they had waited sixteen year before they eventually found out they could n't have children !
28 I must admit the Hockin style was inclined to be more racy than that I used for the Gazette .
29 ‘ Well , ’ said Caspar , and then glanced over his shoulder as if to make sure no one was listening , ‘ well , the truth of it is , that I work for the Gruagach .
30 ‘ I do n't know that I care for the idea .
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