Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] that they " in BNC.

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1 But I am determined to fight back , and where I think that they 've gone over the top , I 'll take them to court .
2 Successful litigants who are vindictive , or excessively conscientious , or who fear that they will be liable to litigation themselves if they fail to extract everything possible from a claim , might well pursue the individual partners for their assets .
3 First , there is evidence that men , even where they acknowledge that they have responsibilities to parents or children , often exercise those responsibilities through their wives .
4 Where they reported that they were able to see the present as better , existing symptoms were lower than average .
5 They feel that it is not appropriate for their naughty child to receive special treatment or they feel that they should not reward the child for doing something that other children do naturally .
6 I think all art to some extent is subjective , but I think that most people would agree that some things are so beautiful that everyone agrees that they are very worthwhile and should n't be destroyed .
7 The Convention not only transferred the Crown to William and Mary , but also laid down certain terms for the new rulers in the document known as the Declaration of Rights , and if the offer of the Crown was not strictly speaking conditional upon William and Mary 's acceptance of these terms , it was clear that everyone expected that they were to abide by them .
8 Although I recognise that they may not have pleased everybody , an aim which I think the house would agree , would be impossible to achieve , I believe they have carried out their task in an objective and impartial way .
9 I hope that we will be able to give them some sort of relief from the distress that I know that they will be feeling at the outcome of this case today . ’
10 It was then that I discovered that they had been keeping our group under surveillance and noting down the registration numbers of cars parked outside the meeting place .
11 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
12 It 's just that I think that they do n't publicize a lot of the services as well as they might do .
13 I can do no more here than say that I believe that they illuminate some of the processes whereby females come to wish to disassociate themselves from mathematics and other scientific and/or technical activities .
14 ‘ She talked about ‘ Debbie 's flat ’ not ‘ our flat ’ so I assumed that they do n't live together .
15 I did not feel capable of doing this adequately , so I suggested that they should approach Mother Jane of the Sisters of the Love of God at Fairacres in east Oxford .
16 Not that she cared that they were going to be spending so much time together , she reminded herself hastily .
17 Even the fact that she suggested that they get married shows that she was living in a fantasy world .
18 It is always comforting to have hospitals , fire stations , and police close at hand so that you know that they will not have far to come if you need them .
19 It only took an instant , yet when you look back into their eyes you know that they know that you did it , and you know that they know that you know that they know !
20 I 'll give you a dish , yeah I know , I know you 're not to open them but I 'm just making sure that you know that they 're yours , now do you want a dish or not ?
21 To prove that you suspected that they were going to commit a crime is n't so easy .
22 ‘ Your uncles would be shocked to hear that you think that they lie , Magnificence .
23 We have used the FCL record as published , although we found that they omitted two minor troughs around 1800 and that a different length for the final solar cycle is obtained when making use of the most recently available data .
24 The point about the Urgonian limestones , say , is that we know that they are of about the same age throughout Europe in spite of the fact that fossil evidence shows them to have started and ended at different times in different places .
25 Erm and so the , the project we 've put forward is that we will trial some of these indicators , to see whether they work , to see what they tell us , erm and therefore we would hopefully be able to improve these indicators , so that we think that they 're , they 're much better in order to er sort of shape the , the performance for the , the future services .
26 What matters is that we realise that they are being friendly , so we shout back , ‘ It 's a lovely day today , is n't it ? ’ , or some such thing which they probably will not hear anyway , but the idea of friendliness has been transferred , and both people are happy , although the words were quite unintelligible .
27 Er I would , I would echo that , that we feel that they money has been paid in for work or services done by the employer and by the er fund members themselves have contributed and I do n't think it belongs to either of those parties in any more , it 's held by the trustees to pay pensions , if for nothing it 's been put there just to pay pensions , it 's not a piggy bank for er for companies to draw out with the with their tame er trustees allowing it , it it 's money the trustees hold in in trust and I believe that 's the law at the moment and er I I think we would like to see that confirmed in any new law .
28 They are the guiding fictions which we repeat to ourselves so often , and with such conviction , that we forget that they are simply themes in a script we have written , and act as if they were true .
29 Undoubtedly , some local education authorities are now spending less on adult education than we think that they should be spending .
30 Fine so we know that they take visitors .
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