Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] that in " in BNC.

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1 I would imagine that everyone knows that in some parts of Britain water is hard , while in others it is soft .
2 Although I know that in these matters there is almost no limit to what people will do , I am horrified that Victoria should have subjected herself to an Aids test and — as I have heard happens — the offers of emotional counselling and financial advice .
3 Were it not for the material in the reports of Hansard to which your Lordships have been referred , I , too , would still be of that view , for although I recognise that in popular parlance with provision to one individual of a service which is , in any event , being provided for reward to many others may be said to cost the provider little or nothing , ‘ cost ’ in accountancy terms is merely a computation of outgoing expenditure without reference to receipts .
4 No , I mean , I wrote down here what tone of voice — English obsession with newspaper class , which is what I was talking about format which you covered , and I said that I felt that in the States that seems to an outsider only the New York Times , but even that sort of , as you say , covers a whole range of non-quality , from a British point of view non-quality , press .
5 Some people tend to take advantage of a placid nature — that is only human — so I realized that in order to prevent abuse of my personality I would have to put up a barrier to protect my inner self .
6 I have n't yet married and am not in a rush to do so , so I suppose that in this regard I am a disappointment to my father , though I 'm sure he understands that it would be unfair for me to marry with my present commitment to athletics .
7 She says that she hopes that in the end another by-pass scheme will result from the conference .
8 Dear doctor , we have noticed that as a result of a press article , copy enclosed , that there 's been concern stressed by a number of general practitioners with regards the slowness of the social services controlled community care programme as an association on behalf of our residential and nursing home members we have been stating the same fact to social services who have basically denied the existence of any problem , although we hope that in the long term the social services will be able refine their system to be more efficient , as an interim measure we are offering you a direct line service .
9 We prize our independence as much as ever , although we accept that in the run-up to the twenty-first century independence can only be relative : international interdependence is a Line qua non .
10 The simplest case was that put forward by Murray Copland in the 1960s , suggesting , simply , that in modern editorial terms inverted commas should be put around these lines so that we see that in these lines the Shipman is imitating ( a ) woman .
11 Both points about unfairness are revealed once we note that in the election of 1983 the Conservatives secured one Commons seat for every 33 000 votes ; Labour one for every 40 000 ; and the Liberals and Social Democrats one for every 340 000 .
12 What distinguished Lenin and his party was that they saw that in Russia liberal rule could be overthrown while capitalism was still in its infancy .
13 He also involved a religious foundation — the Charterhouse — in his scheme ( although it appears that in practice it played little part ) and wanted his Master to be a Scholar of Eton or of Winchester ( if such could be found ) and to be appointed on the recommendation of the Provosts of Eton College and of King 's College , Cambridge .
14 Kylie has managed to maintain her sense of humour because she more than anyone understands that in her business it is better to be written about than to be ignored .
15 ‘ He said to me that he felt that in the last couple of internationals he had n't done himself justice .
16 The right hon. Member for Blaby may not like the idea of a European central bank , but he is clearly on record as saying that he believes that in this country 's economy an independent central bank would be a guarantee against inflation .
17 By then , Chapman considered that the all-red jersey looked ordinary , out of tune with the club 's distinction , so he decided that in line with Aston Villa , until then the club with the greatest prestige and tradition behind it , the sleeves should be of a different colour to the rest of the top .
18 It was a local concern , employing whole families , and everyone knew that in order to flourish they must give it their all .
19 Such writing rapidly palls , and I hope that in the novels to come , Motion can curb his reckless passion for it .
20 Success in this field is going to become even more important as we move into the 1990s and beyond and I hope that in this book I 've been able to give you the benefit of my experience , to pass on the kind of backstage know-how that can make that vital difference between winning and losing .
21 And I hope that in this discussion we start talking along those lines .
22 I mean in so I I come here today with a petition that I presented that also talks about proposing to abolish the merger , I mean this is a move just one step away from that but I still feel in what was proposed at the last full council meeting and I would express my views to the officers that in light of what has been suggested today is actually implemented to the wording as it stands because the joint working party that had been er written up previously never did meet although if I can inform it was only the officers who actually met up and I hope that in light of all the working group and the two heads of centres covering for each other would be implicitly applied .
23 Bearded , chubby and deceptively jovial , he fields problems in Ronald Reagan-like fashion ( and I mean that in a Dame Edna-like caring way ) .
24 In fact , Miriam went from the studios to the airport and back to America where she now ‘ largely ’ , and I mean that in yet another caring way , works .
25 ‘ All the really intelligent people I 've met , and I mean that in a clinical sense , have a sort of specialised intelligence .
26 And I noticed that in the wardrobe was a spare pillow .
27 And I use that in the summer , when I do n't want big pocket 's
28 Full compliance with environmental legislation remains a key , yet elusive , target and I regret that in 1992 ICI was prosecuted or fined on a number of occasions for accidental environmental infringements .
29 She sounded ill-tempered and I realised that in the absence of me , Syl and Lili she must have dined alone with Mrs Monro and Robert and the gallery owner .
30 I do wonder if some of these are in fact the wild plum rather than Myrobalan , and I marvel that in summer we hardly notice any plum-like shrubs where we now see them so dominant over long stretches of banks .
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