Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] put [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively an historian may select that evidence which matches the interpretation which he or she wants to put on it .
2 1983 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 95 , it was held to be a breach of natural justice , where a licensing board consulted with the director of environmental health at their deliberations , where he had put in a report objecting to the grant of a licence .
3 A towel that I 've put over the radiator to get warm so I can wrap it cosily round myself and hug myself dry .
4 There 's an awful lot of information that I 've put in there which I 've photocopied and much reduced from the official documents
5 That one , that 's the big toe , is where the foot actually is twisted outwards this one is where the foot is curved under , and that I 've put in red because it 's the most common sort , very common , that is where the foot is forced up and that one is where it looks as though it 's standing on its toes .
6 I would like to say that there have been no negotiations with British Coal erm in relation to this objection as the application is currently in abeyance as it 's obviously subject to a section fourteen direction , but I do n't see anything in there erm which erm alters the the general conclusions er that I 've put in my supplementary paper on this particular criterion .
7 Even before that I had put on some weight which did n't all drain away during my illness .
8 Erm , there is a very small chance that he 's going to say , all the time that I was on , on top of Everest , er , I was thinking about you , because I 've heard you 're the best thing since sliced wholemeal bread , I have three thousand people that I want to put through a programme in the next six weeks .
9 I thank the right hon. Gentleman for recognising the value that I have put into the arts .
10 Extra delights here must surely be the fact that I have put on a stone since its initial purchase giving that well-fed blimpo look .
11 Paula Yates , for instance , admits in an interview in Woman magazine that she is so thin that she had to put on weight before she could become pregnant .
12 Here was the most loved owner in British racing , the most adored individual in British society , about to win the country 's greatest steeplechase — a fitting reward for all that she had put into the sport .
13 It was for Pat that she had put on that dress , those smart shoes .
14 Although as she changed from bus to bus she was free at last of the accusing voices , she had time for a number of second thoughts , wishing in particular that she had put on other clothes , and had had her hair cut .
15 When you sell those things like that that that bonding tape that you use to put over holes and and they can get into the M O T.
16 So erm on on the basis on the assumption on the assumption that you 've put to me , then I would be prepared to accept that a hundred and twenty two hectares would be a reasonable level .
17 In your new brochure here that you 've put on the table erm it says a meeting it does n't actually say a meeting actually it says we need your ideas come along and tell us that 's why we applauded . .
18 Give it fifty years and I 'll bet you that the baker and all the rest of the folks , it 'll be coming from a supermarket , but they 'll be delivering stuff that you 've put on your computer .
19 Or , or other benefits that would actually kick in at a certain point , er , of death , I mean obviously this would actually help at erm , diagnosis , and you 're writing into this , sort of to cover all of the things that we 're talking about , and they get that , and then they continue to live , the rest of your plans are all then thrown out are n't they , because you 've got all those things that you 've put into place for death , sorted out in the years before .
20 right , now what you 've got to judge at the end of the day , now lets say for instance that you 've put in six lines six lines , right and you only wanted to use two of them all you 've got a number for is the rental charge is n't it ?
21 Now cousin , oh er ah , I 'm sorry , erm , President , because you know you get all sorts of distortions on this do n't you can I say , President , er , cos call him brother at times colleagues , on behalf of congress , can I thank you President , very very much for the very positive and very strong challenges that you 've put before us , and the theme that I believe will carry us through the rest of the week .
22 If we are going to have Policy E two then it does need to be very clear as to the direction that the the strategic direction that the districts need to take with regard open land and that is the the subject of the the other questions that you 've put before us .
23 I do n't know what , do you have any thing that you have to put in place if you do n't do
24 you are only entitled to spend the amount of money that you have put into the current account : If you spend more , you are spending the bank 's money .
25 and thanks for all the effort that you have put in personally .
26 I saw how the well-documented material containing the truth about Fayed that we began to put before the DTI was received in embarrassed silence .
27 ‘ It certainly ought to , considering all the work that we 've put into it ! ’
28 Yeah we divided them all up , but if me or Jan needed to refer to anything we 'd recognize the information that we 've put on the envelopes quicker than we 'll recognize the stuff that he 's put in there
29 I think our view of the effects of numbers significantly lower than the ones that we 've put to you , is first of all that there are a number of factors which planning can not influence and will not influence .
30 The caveat that we 've put against the whole report is that there are something in the region of half a dozen major government initiated reviews into fire safety in this country .
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