Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have made up my own mind where I want to go and I spoke to Frank Clark this morning the first time for a fortnight .
2 Today Michelle Howard took her case to the High Court , where she hopes to prove that Wessex Health Authority was liable .
3 Tell your hotel porter where you wish to go and he will usually know the correct bus .
4 Where you picked to go or
5 The ability to become this smiling persona in public is helped by the nature of bulimia which is a disease where sufferers can maintain their normal body weight — unlike its sister illness , anorexia nervosa where you slim to skin and bone .
6 When the engineer checks the claim , he or she needs to ensure that additional costs are not claimed twice , for example additional costs already recovered by additional measured work or dayworks or variations priced at current prices .
7 The sufferer 's disease gets back into " the driving seat " and he or she comes to believe that life can be managed alone and that is questionable , despite all previous evidence , whether he or she truly has addictive disease after all .
8 The argument continued up the stairs to Downing Street 's reception rooms — where we paused to smile and be photographed — and all the way down again .
9 But there is a whole range of other situations where the opposite move is needed , where we need to stress that people can differ from us , for instance over proposals to give all children the same kind of education or to make everybody live in the same kind of house .
10 With an opportunity we do not know exactly where we want to go until we have found it .
11 Dad tucked a twin under each arm and took them home , where we helped to wash and clean them before they went to bed .
12 The Occupational Pensions Board has issued guidance on the information required from occupational pension schemes where they seek to reduce or eliminate statutory surpluses .
13 In the Ladies , where they went to explore and while away the length of time a restaurant meal always took , Miranda began , ‘ Who 's that man then ? ’
14 Rubbing shoulders with this aggressively 20th century lifestyle , are the traditions of the majority indigenous Indian population , who forced out of their villages by drought and unemployment to seek work in the city , have established their own communities and their own markets where they come to buy and sell potatoes and cornmeal and where the Fortune-teller sits playing his chanrango while waiting for his next customer .
15 To the perfect , shifting sands where they planned to sunbathe and then camp overnight .
16 They will almost certainly include food and health , freedom of information , the European single market , new complaints mechanisms and the regulation of newly privatised industries where they tend to state or local monopoly .
17 It is very much up to individual groups to decide how long they want to go out , where they want to go and what they want to do , ’ said Mr Nelson .
18 Additionally there 's lots of information in the backpackers ’ and motor camps , and the boys were pretty quick to suss out where they wanted to go and what to do there .
19 Quite apart from the endless experiments to be carried out in developing H2S and OBOE , there were countless visits to the Air Ministry , HO Bomber Command , the aircraft makers and TRE where he had to fight and fight hard — for the priority he felt his PFF must have to survive .
20 As soon as the hook went in it charged across the river into a weedbed on the other bank , where it decided to sulk and play at immovable objects .
21 The main problem was that everyone seemed to assume that Gouzenko was an expert on every facet of Russian intelligence operations .
22 There was no point telling Mom that , because whenever she did so her mother just told her that everyone needed to study and her grades would drop if she stopped .
23 Well the hoover wo n't , except I had to scrub that mini that erm that van , it was so filthy !
24 Although I have to say that the implication in two eight three that Labour is flirting with workfare is misplaced , we 've said some harsh things about the Party this week , but there is no possibility that I know of of the Labour Party supporting any form of workfare whatsoever .
25 So did the Southernwood which was a feathery blue-green plant — that 's another plant I 've never come across since , although I have to confess that I have n't seen many gardens .
26 Although I have to confess that at present , during a time of recession , it is increasingly difficult to attract the backing of galleries for such shows and , indeed , to have the personal confidence to finance and promote them oneself , the solo exhibition remains an important event to which every serious artist occasionally ought to aspire .
27 And although I have to admit that this tale of a French prince who is turned into a frog by his wicked aunt and grows up to be a prince among frogs and a secret agent to boot , did n't grab me , it will surely keep the little ones enthralled .
28 It is in the darkest , unprogressive times that I return to base and say ‘ baptizatus sum ’ ‘ I am a baptized person ’ — and that is sheer gift and grace .
29 I 'll have to write a wee note to say that I 've to come and get you about ten to twelve .
30 She was the first dog that I got to know and I 've been a sucker for them ever since .
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