Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Having been left by her husband in his urge for voyages abroad , Erendis retreats to the centre of Númenor , away from the sea , where she hears only the bleating of sheep .
2 " Or you sell only the herd and grow corn on the land and make tizwin , enough to keep you drunk for seven years . "
3 I would be very interested to hear from any readers who experience this effect , or who find even the presence of electricity disturbing .
4 The full address will be The general formula here is that , with : where we consider only the integer part of the division .
5 If the remainder is R : where we consider only the integer part of the division .
6 Most lampreys are filter-feeders as young and ectoparasitic blood-suckers as adults , whereas hagfishes are predators or they rasp away the flesh of dead or moribund fishes .
7 Where he does so the court associate must , at the conclusion of the trial , record that opinion in his certificate so that an appropriate reduction may be considered ( Ord 35 , r 10A ) .
8 He was educated at Marlborough College , to which he had a lifelong devotion , and at Balliol College , Oxford , where he captained both the cricket and hockey XIs and where he obtained a first class in classical honour moderations ( 1924 ) and second classes in mathematical moderations ( 1924 ) and literae humaniores ( 1926 ) .
9 I have received thy kind letter of February the 19th 1755 , which gave me much satisfaction : and some uneasiness , that so many years have elapsed wherein we might have reciprocally communicated our observations to each other ; and although thee had incomparably the advantage over me , yet , notwithstanding , I love to peep into the abstruse operations of nature .
10 I think to be a good teaching aid something has to say ‘ Well I think this because ’ and , as it were , retrace the chain of reasoning that I 've just the sort of chain that I 've given you .
11 Preston 's playing is so vivacious , his enthusiasm for the music so stimulating and his obvious enjoyment in playing this marvellous instrument ( which the DG engineers have recorded with something well into the demonstration category ) so infectious that I doubt even the most dyed-in-the-wool hater of organ music could fail to be won over to the cause .
12 Er , the first thing is I put on the top of my draught that I 'd rather the pupils were n't involved at this stage I 'd rather they were involved in the over view with form tutor .
13 Yes I mean issue with illegitimate children or his affair means that I mean even the line he was running is okay because I 'm rich so it 's not gon na and it 's not gon na and so he 's got these two sort of values , that if you are a single parent and you 're poor that makes you lesser and more immoral than if you were a single parent and you 're rich .
14 And , and also that , he then goes on to say that the revolution , it is n't , it 's not a re re final thing , it 's not an insurrection , er he says it 's not like writing an essay , you know all these er analogies , that I mean basically the revolution is an over , it needs force er and i it 's , it is a violent , y y you do n't , in order for the revolution to have been a success it , it needs to be
15 ‘ It was just that you seemed so interested in my being one of the survivors that I got quite the wrong initial impression . ’
16 So it was with some trepidation that I put forward the idea of his leaping back into the West End , twenty years after he 'd gratefully left it .
17 N do n't know that I know just the whisky barrels they were , a little I believe there was maybe a name for them .
18 Er Mr Deputy Speaker it 's also quite important that I make clear the Labour party 's position in respect to the article which calls for uniform electoral procedures to be set up for elections to the European parliament .
19 I certainly Mr Chairman welcome this paper erm and I know today that I think possibly the main reason being erm , I could be deemed also been through and through today responding to our local issue and that maybe due to May fever , I do n't know , erm , in really accepting acknowledging as I have done in the past your efforts , erm the county surveyor 's efforts for this part of Suffolk I do again bring to your attention and I do n't think is being critical in that the Barnet by bypass is part of a far bigger jigsaw and that jigsaw I say not
20 I mean I would open my eyes and see myself like that , wake up and then I 'd bounce off the bed and then I 'd sit there bouncing and , and but I have n't had that in a long time and wh when I thought now a lot of times , if I think that I leave either the front door unlocked , my house unlocked or the garage door open I go and actually check that in the middle of the night .
21 ‘ I can assure you , my dear Laura , that I have neither the inclination nor the energy to lay my hands on your fair body , ’ he drawled sardonically .
22 David did n't like it because he was on there and so we went through saying that I have only the most important
23 She looked me over , said I seemed to be a nice girl and announced that she had just the job for me — taking her goats out for a walk !
24 If only he knew that looking after his dogs had made her feel that she had just the smallest stake in his life , that it had in some measure comforted her for his absence .
25 More than once in cross-examination Miss Tucker said that she had since the police interview changed her statement , and had made ‘ a new one . ’
26 Yet , while she was finding him most difficult to forget , the realisation only then struck her that she knew neither the name of the garage that housed her car , nor the place where it was situated !
27 But Rita in her own department has got the document that she sends so the researcher does n't have to take the bit of paper round to everybody and get their research approval form signed .
28 Judy Bathurst studied art as a student at Leeds University , but it was not until ten years ago , when she went to live in Tuscany , that she found both the time and the inspiration to develop her talent .
29 There was such tenderness in his face as he studied the tears flowing down her cheeks that she cried all the harder .
30 Julia compared the food of the two parties and decided unhappily that she liked both the dish-of-herbs meal of this evening and also the elaborate deliciousness of avocado mousse , sole and boeuf en croûte of the previous day .
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