Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was always a bad correspondent , ’ berated Lear , ‘ but surely you are still more unconscientious , for when I do write , you answer me by a short scrawl — only one word of which out of every 2d can I decipher , & I have kept your last and only epistle to see if I ca n't sell it as an ancient hieroglyphic . ’
2 Years later , I was doing a scene where I had to murder my husband — it was a very dramatic scene and it was in the pit at the Royal Shakespeare Company , so it was just this tiny little theatre , with everybody sitting very close to you , and you can see everybody , and you can hear everything .
3 Well where I 've put me bricks they 're
4 We are standing in that kitchen where I 've shared her meals and laughter , and she finishes drying the glass and places it carefully on the table .
5 ‘ There was a scene where I wanted to keep my clothes on and I told Adrian ‘ They do n't have to see my breasts in every shot , do they ? ’
6 We crashed … and I 've been ill , or I 've lost my memory or something .
7 So to get back to what we say er yeah I like to fix a date and if people phone up and say well look I 've I 've got something else or I 've changed my mind I would rather have that than to have lots of paper work on my desk that just says may be or may be not .
8 Loops of wiring and cable ran overhead , loosely tacked at intervals to the unpainted ceiling ; it was the kind of Who cares , no-one 'll see it protocol that had applied behind the scenes in the shopping mall where she 'd landed her first Saturday job .
9 Then she had made her way swiftly across the hotel lobby and out into the car park where she 'd left her little Mini .
10 Curtains hung pleasantly in the windows , and it seemed that if she turned her head away and back , then the table might reappear where she had sat , where she had served her soup to her mother , sometimes to her mother 's guests .
11 She felt raw — not physically , except where she had scoured her skin in the bath , but inside , in her soul , as if he had reached in and desecrated some sacred part of her .
12 It was Louisa as much as the doctor who supervised the carrying of Emilia into the Hall , holding her cold hand , murmuring small phrases of consolation and encouragement as the improvised litter was lifted carefully up the stairs and the invalid laid in the same bed where she had passed her first night at Easterness .
13 Belinda 's father had of necessity bought a rather characterless cream brick house in the outer suburb where his hardware shop was located , and Belinda had always wanted to live in one of these gracious old places , which were larger , more urban versions of the old farmhouse near Emerald where she had spent her childhood .
14 Gingerly she felt her mouth with her fingertips ; they came away with a splattering of blood where she had bitten her own lip .
15 She ran , fighting her way through the packed lanes and not slowing up until she reached Fever Alley , where she had parked her car .
16 Our congratulations to Margaret Thatcher on the signal honour of becoming a member of the Order of Merit , where she has joined her tutor , Dorothy Hodgkin .
17 She then feeds her dog mustard , to make its eyes run , and goes to Margery 's house , where she starts to lament her poverty and need .
18 Where where she 's got her flat .
19 Seeing you fighting to control your temper is quite entertaining , I 'll admit .
20 They have this little peephole where you have to shove your cigarette so it sticks out on the other side for them to light it .
21 Where you have bought your new property and exchanged contracts on the sale of your existing home but have n't completed .
22 Where you have bought your new home but have n't exchanged contracts on your existing property .
23 It 's a rare wife indeed whose genuine reaction to betrayal is fond indulgence ( ‘ Oh , Charles , you 're such an adolescent skirt-chaser ’ ) , dignified disinterest ( ‘ Where you choose to put your thingie while zooming around the world on so-called business is , quite frankly , no concern of mine ’ ) or outward serenity , as displayed by Jane Ashdown during the furore over Paddy 's affair with his secretary .
24 The choice is yours when you select a multi centre holiday — how long , where you want to spend your time and at which hotel .
25 Above : Where you decide to site your marine tank could make all the difference between a thriving system , like this , or a disaster zone .
26 If you could only stretch or you know turn your head a certain way it would run out .
27 If you are unable to book in advance or you decide to leave your booking your hire car until you reach your destination , contact your HCI Representative in resort for details of local car hire prices .
28 Higher for pupils who have not passed or who wish to upgrade their result .
29 Three remains a group of patients , however , who are either unsuitable for general anaesthaeisia because of medical contraindications or who wish to conserve their gall bladders .
30 ‘ In future it will run on Thursdays and it 's designed for people who are a bit shy or who want to protect their anonymity . ’
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