Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Double Or Nothing mimes out its own liminal qualities , exemplifying Federman 's general assertion that , since reading completes a text , ‘ writing can be considered as a PRE-TEXT …
2 I 'd rather fill this page with angry letters attacking people who are entertained/moved by fascism , racism , homophobia , whether it 's Morrissey ‘ exploring its fascination ’ or someone scooping out their own shit and trying to sell it to us as ‘ common sense ’ , than have another letter like yours , the first half ( not printed here , lucky readers ) of which is something incomprehensible about The Wedding Present — DQ
3 where I burn off my life without blossoming .
4 And in the fourth year I tend to do them an evaluation sheet , where I write down lots of questions about the project they have just done , and maybe get them to sit for a double lesson and write about the things they experienced and found out …
5 I was at a meeting in London yesterday where I handed over my report . ’
6 We called at Brigade H.Q where I picked up my bagpipes .
7 Aggie made no reply to this , and the child remained quiet until it was evident that she recognized the entrance to the area , for she exclaimed , ‘ Oh ! now I know where we are . ’
8 Or I bring out my mates .
9 I do n't really know where I , or I know where I 'm going but I have to take the troops with me I had er , I got you see what is parts of a I A P compact certificate it might in fact , if the boss would let me do , if I could do an industry in December right ?
10 By December 1917 Madame Weill had moved from her tiny shop on the Rue Victor-Masse , where she pinned up her pictures with clothes-pegs on an overhead wire like washing , to a more imposing venue , Galerie B. Weill , 50 Rue Taitbout in the 9th arrondissement .
11 What was stranger still was that she seemed stressed and worried , and kept raising her wings into the wind and bending forward at it and then letting it lift her off her stand to the top of her cage where she stuck out her talons , hovered for a moment and then flopped inelegantly down again to the bare branch .
12 When the grassy and aromatic undergrowth of spring where she spread out her work to dry had balded and turned to dust in the summer , she hung out her clothes in the enclave at the back of her small house .
13 Remember here that some people do not like seeing you write down their words for it interrupts their flow of thought .
14 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
15 How and where you set up your Storage Directories is entirely a matter of personal preference ( and system restrictions ! ) , but we would make two VERY strong recommendations , as follows :
16 It is almost impossible to forge any sort of career associated with public life or public men where you do not yourself become the object of hostility in some quarter .
17 And also , as he watched the boxer on the television , Boy began to think that there are two kinds of sex : the kind of sex where you say do this , do that , or you manoeuvre yourself into position for a particular kind of pleasure ; and then there is the other kind of sex , where you want not someone else 's body that had done those things the night before or the afternoon before .
18 You know or f or or you know always it was that they were men cos they came from during the strike .
19 Or you accept precisely what they do and claim it back at the end of the year .
20 Erm but one , one one , I mean cl clearly the policy which was pursued was one of inequality and there was a rich peasant economy and either you say well yes there is , there is an economic imperative for that and that 's the explanation or you say well there might have been a political factor involved in this that there was a recognition that progress was going to come through class conflict and therefore if you are actually promoting the kind of you might realize it was happening and you might be more prepared
21 Either that , or she made up her mind to marry the wretched fellow .
22 Either she took a step back , or she stayed where she was , aware that sooner or later she would plunge into that unknowable chasm .
23 The foundation for the Kaldor view has been discussed in Lecture 3 , where we brought out its relationship with the company sector and the extent to which individuals see through the corporate veil .
24 Might not pick up they probably want to analyse our English or something to see how it 's .
25 or something does n't it ?
26 Yes so that if for example a company called Twin Plugs or something says right we 're going to sponsor a concert , because we 're opening a new factory and we think this is special and we want to do something , we will put in ten thousand pounds .
27 Peer pressure , people do it cos it 's sociable or something do n't they ?
28 Congregation , congregation , it 's not sort of all sort of these people sat there a disco or something do n't they ?
29 Yeah you get two minutes or something do n't you ?
30 You want some red wool or something do n't you ?
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