Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun] [prep] other " in BNC.

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1 Why do we not mimic the professionals or their caddies in other areas of the game ?
2 The expectation that students with A or B ( or their equivalents in other systems for dispensing approval ) will be in the minority has a strong hold in classrooms .
3 Greenpeace claim that alternatives involving the upgrading of the RBMK reactors , or their replacement by other nuclear plants , would be a substantially more expensive course of action .
4 Many insects show deviations from this simple condition because of the subdivision of the pleurites into secondary plates , or their fusion with other regions of their segment .
5 The real question is , how does the student respond to critical evaluations of his or her work from other students ?
6 The authors concerned assume that the word " father " ( or its equivalent in other languages ) has a single meaning in itself , whereas in fact it has many different meanings depending upon what other term forms the other half of the dyadic relationship .
7 Those who held forth in the Royal Institution in the second half of the nineteenth century , or who addressed large audiences at the British Association or its equivalents in other countries , were confident ; and they had reason for their confidence .
8 Radio waves are used rather than em waves of other wavelengths because over suitable wavelength ranges they readily penetrate planetary atmospheres and because natural emissions at such wavelengths tend to be weak thus enabling the echoes to be readily picked out from the natural background .
9 Those appointments with myself have equal importance , perhaps more importance than my appointments with other people .
10 However , these explanations of violence against women do not tally with the evidence of the extent of the violence nor its continuity with other forms of male conduct towards women .
11 Like her failure to realise , or even to care , that her indifference to other people 's convenience and comfort could eventually leave her friendless in a cold world .
12 But what evidence is there that babies acquire social knowledge and that their behaviour to other people is qualitatively different from their behaviour to inanimate objects ?
13 It is something on which they can rely and something that their colleagues in other countries will find difficult to deny .
14 London Irish coach George Hook , who has , in fact , made a player out of Higgins , believes there is a cultural problem : ‘ I do n't think our players drink very much but I imagine they drink more than their counterparts in other rugby countries .
15 An employee of the Ministry of Finances pointed out at the beginning of 1856 that Russia 's lowest social groups were far more heavily taxed than their counterparts in other countries .
16 The debate between legal theorists and their critics is about the degree of autonomy possessed by the legal system from economy and society , the role of historical , cultural and contingent factors ( the ‘ dynamics ’ of the legal system ) and about the possibility of giving a coherent explanation to the ‘ internal ’ structure of the legal system , once its detachment from other factors is recognised .
17 He was quick , she noticed , to take her up on any casual remark and supposed that his interest in other people 's affairs and their reactions had something to do with the novelist in him .
18 Just as Stencil 's quest parodies the reader 's desire to make sense of the text through interpretative patterning , so his investigation of other periods becomes a ludicrous enactment of an author 's creation of characters .
19 Identification of the precise mechanism by which Shc connects to Src , and its generalization to other non-receptor tyrosine kinases , can not be far away .
20 Research in animal ecology and behaviour ranges from the analysis of a local river population of dippers to the study of the effect of damaged rain forests on the survival of bird species in an African island population , and analysis of the feeding behaviour of the lowland gorilla and its interaction with other fruit-eating species .
21 Subsequently , it authorises its splitting up and its transfer to other people 's banks .
22 Teachers should therefore have an understanding of the complex relationship of language and national identity , the role of English and other British languages in the formation and maintenance of the nation-state and its attitudes to other languages .
23 All we have attempted is to provide the groundwork for expanding our comprehension of the structure of BSL and its relationship with other languages .
24 This radically changed both the function of the US dollar in the international monetary system , and its relationship with other currencies .
25 The committee of MPs is investigating the workings of the Welsh Office and its relationship with other non Government agencies in Wales .
26 But a grasp of the subject 's structure and its relationship to other subjects should be acquired before the literature is approached .
27 In detail , the results are less uniform : there seems to be a bimodal trend in the Midlands , where TMOS staff are investigating the formation of coal cleat ( a fracture system perpendicular to bedding in coals ) and its relationship to other joint sets , and to regional and local in-situ rock stress .
28 This is particularly true of buildings where both the structure of the building itself and its relationship to other buildings on the site are important .
29 If we are to understand the feeding habits of the species , therefore , we must consider it in relation to the whole ecology of the species , and its relations to other species .
30 However , software control is primarily an administrative problem in which the exact identity of a module and its relationships to other modules are more important than its content .
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