Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [was/were] not so " in BNC.

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1 A further protest rose to her lips , but , since she had other more important matters to think about , she obligingly went and placed her foot on the ledge and , raising her trouser leg a little , allowed him to study her beige cotton sock where there was not so much as a broken thread .
2 Elsewhere , it was stressed that no one wished to interfere with the ‘ responsible and competent parent ’ , but where they were not so , ‘ action is needed either to reinforce the consciousness or replace the incompetency ’ .
3 Yet , as I moved forward , I began to think that I was not so stupid after all .
4 She stopped , suddenly drowning in a confused , illogical longing to confide in this man , and wishing with all her heart that she was n't so terrified of the consequences .
5 And , and , and lets remember that the first big shock that British sportsmen got , the first shaking of the earth which intimated that we were n't so hot at these things as we used to be was in professional sport , it was in football , it was when the Hungarians beat England in nineteen-fifty-six , and the Hungarian army officer Elista Pushkas became erm a world figure because he 'd led the team that had humbled British football might .
6 They accepted that Massingham had gained his promotion on merit although they were not so naive as to suppose that being the elder son of a peer did any man harm .
7 These proposals were initially welcomed by both Helmut Kohl , the West German Federal Chancellor , and his Foreign Minister , Hans-Dietrich Genscher ( although they were not so favourably received by the East German government ) , but on May 8 Kohl rejected them as " negotiation poker " .
8 George Cripps 's son wrote to the Yorkshire Post in October 1979 : ‘ The remarks of Mr J. McKenna make me smile when I remember some of the things which my father told me about the machinations by various members of the then Football League , which have certainly led me to believe that they were not so simon pure as the image they presented to the public . ’
9 Some felt that they had mellowed already and that they were n't so active as they had been before .
10 Their green eyes fell on the strange eight-legged carving — which may indeed have been a spider , or an octopus , or may yet again have been something altogether more strange and they immediately decided that they were n't so hungry , at that .
11 In later experiments a brightly coloured plastic bottle was used and the blackbirds even learned to mob this object , although it was not so effective as a novel stuffed bird .
12 She never encroached on anything that she ( and he ) deemed his territory , although he was not so circumspect in offering his opinion on design and colour .
13 Out of all his questions asked in the line of the investigation , perhaps he had not got very much , although he was not so sure about that .
14 He was aware that present-day zoos were no longer dedicated to this ideal , although he was n't so sure about some of the visitors .
15 They the frame was er constructed on on er two trestles and , of course , er you put your trestles so that you could balance it , so that it was n't so heavy to lift .
16 Erm , four nine , the research of formal question letter , order form or contract , to my mind , quite honestly , a purchase order form is a contract from the client but erm , the quiff seemed to think that it was n't so , I do n't know whether it 's worth changing this , depends how the auditors form .
17 Such a one may feel that Pound 's ‘ writing off ’ of England , his abandonment of her — physically in 1920 , in imagination some years earlier — was abundantly justified , to the extent indeed that it was not so much his justified rejection of her , as her unjustifiable rejection of him .
18 The significance of the battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings in 1066 hardly needs emphasis ; though we do well to recall that it was not so much William 's victory , as the fact that the two battles had removed his two most serious rivals for the throne , which made the year so decisive in English and Norman history .
19 Her figure was ungainly in the late stages of pregnancy but she wrapped her red wool shawl well round and kept her hands clasped in front so that it was not so noticeable .
20 Theo answered dryly to the effect that it was not so wonderful for his finances .
21 He thought everything was easy to those who believed ; and nothing would persuade him that it was not so .
22 She walked down Chestnut Drive , and as she picked a leaf off a privet hedge here , and ran her hand along a row of railings there , she thought that it was not so bad after all , and that she would tell them about it : they always said , when accused of indifference , that they were interested , so she would jolly well try to make them show a bit of their interest .
23 Clara could not explain to the school that it was not so much a question of finance , as of her mother 's instinctive opposition to any pleasurable project — and anyone could see that a visit to Paris could not possibly fail to entail more pleasure than instruction .
24 Like Cobbett , many suffragettes would have said that it was not so much the vote for its own sake that they sought as the improvements in the status and conditions of women which they believe would be achieved as the result of women 's enfranchisement .
25 Here was an admission that it was not so much an issue of transforming alien black cultures , but a problem of cultures and practices of white racism leading to unequal opportunities .
26 However it was a question of fact for the Crown Court , which was entitled to find that it was not so practicable .
27 What she did not know was that it was not so much that the work was difficult , but that there was so very much of it , and all tiring .
28 His father did not mind his son becoming an Anglican priest but wished that he were not so Anglo-Catholic and not so high-principled about bishops .
29 Merrill asked , fastening her seatbelt and wishing that he were n't so devastatingly attractive .
30 He had told Tolonen otherwise , but the truth was that he was not so sure Li Yuan was wrong .
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