Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [was/were] in his " in BNC.

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1 Legion wished to be a disciple but Jesus told him to remain where he was in his own district and tell all the people what … the Lord in his mercy has done for you ( Mark 5:19 ) .
2 There was no trace of his usual cheekiness , either because he was seriously worried about his son or simply because he had no need to defend himself up here where he was in his element and they were out of theirs .
3 In a rather embarrassed way he told Seddon that I was in his office , and asked for instructions .
4 And his head swooped , his mouth meeting hers as she moaned , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , unable to fight now that she was in his arms .
5 He disclosed the terms of the American offer , he left no doubt that they were in his opinion the best that could be obtained and should be accepted , and he rounded things off with what were interpreted as some highly uncomplimentary remarks about the quality of the Congressional opinion which had to be accommodated .
6 In this way the child learnt that it was in his own interest for the experimenter to go to the empty box .
7 Saddam Hussein threatened that it was in his power to sponsor terrorist attacks on the countries ranged against him .
8 On the other hand , on a different occasion she expressed feelings of depression and powerlessness in the face of professional opinion , conceding that she might allow him to go to residential school if it could be shown that it was in his best interests .
9 In his speech er in that debate the honourable member for Edinburgh central and the bench er in his place today , er welcomed the government 's acceptance of Sir Thomas ' and the select committee 's recommendation and agreed er that it was in his words , important that the statutory duty of auditors ought to be clear so that er to use his colourful phrase , if whistles are to be blown they 're to be blown without doubt .
10 Aristotle knows of a time in which the constitution of Massalia had been even more oligarchic than it was in his time ( Pol .
11 Now that he was in his mid-seventies he signed his rare letters to her ‘ Daddy ’ or even ‘ Pops ’ .
12 As he was bringing it to his ear , he remembered that he was in his own apartment , alone .
13 Indeed Neal is much more biting in his criticism than he was in his tackles .
14 A logical move if I was in his shoes — Belgium is too close to Britain .
15 Well , well , lambkin , if I was in his place he should not have his property in you long questionable .
16 If someone was in his way , Charlie , he 'd be capable of anything . ’
17 But you said he was at the bottom of the stairs I was at the top and you were in his office
18 I used to think , ‘ What would you do if you were in his position ? ’
19 His rapport with the children he treated was almost uncanny ; and there was in his own nature something of the immediacy and openness of a child , which , coupled with a great sense of fun , helped him to get easily into communication with all sorts of people , and to make friends .
20 It destroyed him and for a time he was engulfed by a deep chasm of despair , drinking heavily , taking amphetamines and LSD — and he was in his sixteenth year of smoking marijuana .
21 His tie was loose and he was in his shirt sleeves .
22 went down to see him and he was in his study because he , he , as you know I was with my parents
23 Lord Hesketh had poured his own fortune into the team and it was in his nature to run the whole show .
24 But for the remainder of the Fifties the initiative was seized in the Soviet Union , and often the world , by this gifted peasant , a copy-book proletarian , a metal worker who did not read or write until he was in his twenties and who summed up in his character so many of the strengths and weaknesses of the Communist system .
25 In 1828 George Hurst became a director of the House of Industry and subsequently a member of the Board of Guardians , a position which he held until he was in his nineties .
26 Noguchi did not get his first retrospective exhibition until he was in his sixties .
27 Pogo never refused any request she made if it was in his power to satisfy her .
28 The work of the craftsman is to realise an inner idea in a way that is beautiful , useful and enduring , and as his work is the object of his satisfaction and delight ( " if it were in his power to produce an effect which would know and love him , this he would assuredly do " ) , so man is created for God who alone satisfies his nature .
29 I picked a man who looked as if he was in his late thirties or early forties .
30 Mr Fairley said : ‘ If he was in his bedroom he would have had to run past a gauntlet of flame .
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