Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [was/were] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 They now live in the location of Sao Bento do Sul in the state of Santa Catarina , a little bit further south than Dois Vizinhos where they were during their previous assignment .
2 Richard , looking round his solid , brassbound table , got the impression that everyone was on their best behaviour .
3 They 're much better informed than I was at their age .
4 The commons had shown themselves increasingly adept at procuring political concessions in return for grants of taxes , and although they were at their most effective when they enjoyed the support of at least some sections of the nobility , they had gained substantially in experience and cohesion by the time the crisis of 1340–1 arose .
5 Those who have suffered from several episodes of schizophrenia are often less socially competent in managing their domestic and occupational affairs than they were before their illness .
6 She and this animal treated each other with mutual contempt , like an old unhappily married couple , and I always thought that the only reason he did n't bite her or she have him put down was that they disliked the rest of the world even more than each other and would have been even more miserable and lonely than they were in their trap of hostility .
7 People are not more similar to each other today than they were in their grandparents ' time .
8 Of Leicestershire 's 370 medieval settlements no less than sixty have been deserted and many others are now much smaller than they were in their heyday during the thirteenth and early-fourteenth century .
9 We learned that they were on their summer holidays , taking their kayak round the outer reaches of the Arctic .
10 Dan had suggested a drink , and she 'd agreed , happier now that they were on their way back .
11 I honestly believe that the rail workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent , other workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent if they believed that they were on their own that they were gon na fight in isolation .
12 once they were on their way the runners … 370 of them were under orders for their start …
13 Once they were in their own flat Mum put down her shopping and put the kettle on .
14 By and large they bore out what the girl 's uncle claimed — that it was with their consent , or even connivance , that the girl had gone to live with her uncle in the first place .
15 Tacit collusion , on the other hand , would involve no explicit agreement but simply the unspoken acceptance by the two firms that it was in their best interests each to produce half the monopoly output on the understanding that failure to do so would provoke a price war .
16 Lutyens 's family were brought up to believe that it was their father who invented Nanna , and that it was from their own night nursery window in Bloomsbury Square that Wendy and the boys flew with Peter Pan to the Neverland .
17 During the Second World War the King of Saudi Arabia , Abdul Aziz , managed to convince both the British and the Germans that he was on their side .
18 Dundee were furious when Palace publicly stated that he was on their shopping list .
19 If I was in their shoes I 'd hold off a couple of days .
20 Mean I 'm putting I 'm er if I was in their shoes that 's exactly and I think I 'm not far from wrong .
21 An imaginative " thinking what I would think , if I was in their place " is something which has to be worked at .
22 These advances have been accorded full acceptance with ready abandonment of firmly held convictions on all those matters which are now covered by the sciences , and which were in their earlier interpretations considered unquestionably true .
23 Since then my ( now ex- ) girlfriend was really good mates with the two of them cos she was in their year ( Yes I know I 'm a paedophile ) so that was how I got to go to their 18th birthday parties and Al 's leaving do .
24 He put it in gear and they were on their way .
25 The weather was giving promise of an early spring and they were on their way northwards , to Nahum 's father .
26 It was late afternoon and they were on their way back , swishing side by side through untouched snow down the last long sweeping run towards Rocamar .
27 David and Jane 's house was definitely gone and they were in their magnificent new barn , cynosure of the Mattole .
28 If they were on their beam-ends the really desperate might brave an audition with the dreaded Sherman Fisher .
29 But she was impatient of their return to the home she had created in endless sketches ; impatient too of Jacob 's incessant meetings with colleagues , with acolytes who sat transfixed , listening to him as if they were on their knees .
30 She said people seemed to get more lonely and depressed if they were on their own at night .
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