Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] feel that " in BNC.

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1 This is used mainly where tantrums are severe and where it is felt that stopping them altogether is too big a first step .
2 This is particularly so where it is felt that the consideration did not have a causative effect upon the authority 's determination and where the decision being impugned is not determinative of rights , such as a decision by a local authority to refer a landlord to a rent tribunal .
3 This is likely to be the case in formal hierarchical establishments where it is felt that the proper locus of decision making is at the top .
4 ‘ did cause ( or permit ) that motor vehicle ( or trailer ) ’ See ( C ) 2 of offence number 5 , although it is felt that ‘ permit ’ in this offence means the continuing obstruction while ‘ cause ’ deals with the positioning of the vehicle on the road .
5 The reason for keeping women and men separated is that it is felt that a man can not concentrate on prayer when women are in close proximity .
6 In the event that it is felt that enquiry is allowable , the usual choice is between Proof or Jury Trial .
7 The EC Biotechnology Framework Programme recognises the importance of classical taxonomy to genetic and molecular studies , and it is felt that collaborative research offers the best way forward in combining different the approaches .
8 Following the recent House of Lords decision of Pepper v Hart [ 1992 ] STC 898 it is possible to refer to Hansard in certain circumstances and it is felt that it is proper to refer to the relevant Hansard to discover who the individual is referred to in the provisions .
9 The return fare to the conference is £1,800 and it is felt that Cleveland Ambulance can not justify the expense of public money on one person .
10 The past six months have made it clear that latent isolationism can be inflamed if it is felt that the allies are shirking .
11 Families may be split and huge rifts created if it is felt that the wrong choice has been made .
12 There might be more advantage in making the categories run mid-way across the ten-year groups , giving 25–34 as a group if it is felt that some significant changes take place in people 's lives in their mid-thirties , or at other points in the mid-sections of the decades .
13 The nature of the organisation and the staff it employs tends to lead to a greater commitment to any investigation and subsequent changes , particularly if it is felt that they could eventually benefit the residents .
14 This has to be suggested to her with some care , without giving her the impression that you think her sudden collapse into illness is in any way imminent or inevitable ; and it should not be suggested at all if it is felt that it might upset or frighten her .
15 Chloral is a sedative and not an analgesic , so if it is felt that the above signs are due to pain , the doctor must prescribe analgesia in addition to , or instead of , chloral .
16 Well , I suggest someone nips over next door to see if we can borrow a room — that is , if it is felt that we need actually to discuss anything more . "
17 Note.Conduct which might be classed as criminal is still capable of informal resolution if it is felt that in the circumstances , the officer in question would not be charged .
18 If it is felt that incapacity should be at an end an unannounced visit to the claimant may be necessary .
19 If it is felt that the right climate for settlement can be achieved by displ
20 However , if it is felt that the estimate is excessive , an alternative estimate should be obtained .
21 If it is felt that this smacks too much of the ‘ green shield stamp ’ approach , it should be realized that it is intended that the scheme will operate with a substantial element of vocational and tutorial guidance using specialized staff .
22 ‘ Sir Alexander Seton is an excellent knight , but it is felt that a greater figure in the kingdom should hold this royal stronghold , in the King 's name .
23 ‘ or disorderly behaviour ’ This point is not defined but it is felt that any conduct which is not orderly and is not covered by ‘ threatening , abusive , or insulting words or behaviour ’ would suffice .
24 There are dicta in Vestey which indicate that Herdman v IRC may not be good law , but it is felt that the Revenue probably have the better argument on a simple reading of the legislation .
25 Clearly , 1992 will pose many opportunities ( and threats ) to companies within the EC , but it is felt that things will not change overnight ; it will be more of a slow transitionary period and it could well take decades before we see an integration similar to that in the USA today .
26 We apologise for the outspokenness of this letter , but it is felt that if we are to continue as a national organisation of good standing , we must put our house in order before it is too late .
27 There is no contact-tracing as such , but , because it is felt that most of the problem is due to prostitutes ( an unlikely truth in any European country ) , the examining doctor can fill in a form which is then passed on to the police who will undertake a search .
28 Controversial figures in public life , such as Winston Churchill , Richard Nixon , Indira Gandhi , Martin Luther King , T. S. Eliot and many others , will probably attract biographers for years to come because it is felt that there are still new things to be said about them , new perspectives from which their work can be seen , and new interpretations of politics or the arts in which their contributions should be judged .
29 Specialist skills , apart from technology/computerization , did not figure very highly or very uniformly in responses , perhaps because it is felt that these are widely catered for already .
30 To some extent , this will be done simply because it is felt that it is more efficient , or at least administratively convenient , to handle matters in this way — the matters delegated may be ephemeral , needing constant change ; or technical , requiring expertise .
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