Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] [adv] just " in BNC.

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1 I understand ; I mean , you want to know that someone is n't just making the whole thing up when they talk about a man being that special to them .
2 The big thing about Butch is that she is n't just a dumb blonde , as she herself stressed .
3 One of the things that can emerge is a great deal of mutual help , so that there is not just one group of people giving out to another but a group of people reaching out to one another .
4 This is the idea that there is not just a single history for the universe .
5 The answer seems to be that the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics means that there is not just a single history for the universe but a whole family of possible histories .
6 Among lovers of early music , however , it is recognized throughout the world that there is not just a choral tradition in England but also ( to quote a French reviewer ) a nouvelle école anglaise de chant .
7 It turns out that there is not just one 13-year cicada species and one 17-year species .
8 In this paper Cayley 's concern was with systems of elements satisfying the equation unc and for both n = 4 and n = 6 he showed that there is essentially just one other system besides the set of complex nth roots of unity .
9 Now also , knowing that there 's only just over five hundred or just six hundred members of the Liberal Democrats , in the eight constituencies that comprise our Euro constituency , there will be many benefits that can come off a Euro campaign in terms of membership , in terms of helpers , in in terms of morale and generally raising our profile , just through press contacts and things like that .
10 Track one is a growling , clapping disco song with a peace message , but far better to my ears are ‘ Klangers ’ , a similar groove which sounds like it has in fact got The Klangers on it although it 's probably just a synth , and ‘ The Horns Of Jerricurl ’ ( geddit ? ) which unfolds the depths of their groove and lays bare their sense of humour .
11 ‘ The hardest part of being a fat person is that it 's not just your imagination that tells you you do n't count .
12 When will ordinary people realise that it 's not just god bands that put out records .
13 Research into people 's needs and motivation indicates that it 's not just for the money — the financial aspect can be over-stressed .
14 They welcomed Nottingham to the Recreation Ground and stuck 50 points on them , an ominous warning to everyone that it 's not just World Cup teams who can set new standards .
15 Returning to the discussion of his own new Béatrice recording , Nelson says that it 's not just the playing and singing that are a source of pleasure to him .
16 I think that it 's not just the policy , I think it 's the whole of society 's attitudes , because children learn what they are by how people see them , and if they 're in a society that says you 're in an unusual situation , if you 're not with two parents then somehow your situation is n't right and we condemn it !
17 He is quick to point out that it 's not just enough to turn up in any of these activities : ‘ You have to prove to the examiners — and to yourself — that you can are willing to put in the effort to improve and better your standards .
18 " The secret of the small garden is getting the balance right — making it feel interesting enough , so that it 's not just a small patch of ground , " she says .
19 I mean the strain on families must be enormous in a strike situation and for both people in the family to be having an input and feeling that they 're getting some sort of feedback from the situation that it 's not just despair must surely you know be you know there 's that side to it and then erm from the women 's point of view I mean we have like I said become one big family in a way you know and the social side of the strike in a way you know people are sa you know going out more maybe and certainly
20 So there might be something in the argument that , that it 's not just a , a question of what you 've learned from the north , but there may be a recognition that the economy in the south is different , or at least they might be arguing , those who are arguing that the economy in the south is different and that , that reform might not be necessary , it might not even be appropriate in the south .
21 if you look at the cure of erm th the Blind Man of Bethsiedum which happened a little earlier , a similar thing happens when Jesus cures his sight , he ca n't see at first and Jesus has to do some more work on him with spit , spittle and er you know the , but there 's something behind that it 's not just a er a nature miracle , sorry a healing miracle overcoming physical ailments , that 's spectacular in itself but the can take something else on board here without the attitude of people and their willingness to accept who Jesus was and what his details of participant Bartiamaus had been given the vision he 'd been given was more than just his eyesight .
22 yeah , before you commit things to paper do be very very careful make sure that it 's not just because you 're in a bad mood or something like that they can always come back and .
23 Our philosophy is that it 's not just conjuring twenty five thousand pounds out of the air , it 's actually changing the way the Corn Exchange is and we feel strongly about that but we are not going to waste your time going through all that .
24 He says that at first clients refused to believe it could be done so fast — some need to be convinced that it 's not just science fiction .
25 She says you have to have evidence of continued use over a period of time and in a variety of sources so that it 's not just very specialised and short-lived .
26 I think there 's a danger that you can go over the top with praise , in that you 're anxious to give quality feedback , the thing that you have to be careful with is that it 's not just meaningless like that , because that can be just as bad as giving negative feedback .
27 What is required , Locke argues , is that the law of nature be embodied in a set of known and established laws that there be an ind in short that it 's not just up to the individual to state what the law of nature is in any particular case , you know , you 've got a set of known and established laws , you know , which do that .
28 concerts and things , but you can , you can tell , with just , just by listening that it 's not just any old body tinkling on the piano , it 's wonderful , it makes you sick .
29 So , that might be something to bear in mind , that it 's not just the negative part , get rid of the excess sort of organics , but it 's to get rid of cure disease .
30 He always thought of it as some kind of converted dungeon , but he sees now , with a wry smile , that it 's really just an ordinary suburban house .
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