Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] find [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't suppose you 've any idea where I could find her ? ’
2 Have you any idea where I can find her ? ’
3 Where I can find you . ’
4 That will stop you walking round the streets and put you where I can find you , thought Coffin .
5 ‘ Either you increase my husband 's wages to reflect the work he does on your behalf , or I might find it my duty to persuade him to look for other employment , perhaps with one of the many property owners hereabouts . ’
6 Accordingly I expect that either I shall find Bill at home drunk or I shall find him at home sober .
7 I have a place to go to , where nobody will find us or talk about us — ’
8 To do this exercise , put the carriage to E , where you 'll find it tucks to the right and knits to the left .
9 When you own a car you need to keep your driving licence , registration document , MOT certificate , and the like somewhere where you can find them every time your car needs a new tax disc .
10 If you do n't use it straight away , you should keep it where you can find it when you need it .
11 It is a heartening sight , evocative of all the sun and bright colours of Provence ; it is economical because it is one of those composite dishes which you gradually build up , to which you can make additions or subtractions and for which the planning of the colours , flavours , extra salads , vegetables , sauces , becomes perfectly intoxicating — but steady , keep a hold , or you 'll find you 've made enough food for thirty , and you 'll have to order another case of wine and invite twenty more guests …
12 Their address should be available from the hospital or you can find it in the telephone book .
13 Imparting some factual information but more commonly referring the sufferer to resources from which he or she may find it for himself or herself .
14 And the Scottish Highlands may be the only remaining region in the UK where we could find it .
15 ‘ The thing is we 'll have to do something or we 'll find we 'll have to work for a living and we do n't want to do that . ’
16 They looked like anatomies of death , they spake like ghosts crying out of their graves , they did eat dead carrions , happy where they could find them , yea , and one another soon after , insomuch as the very carcasses they spared not to scrape out of their graves , and if they found a plot of water cress or shamrocks , there they flocked as to a feast for the time , yet not able long to continue therewithal , that in short space there were none almost left , and a most populous and plentiful country suddenly left void of man or beast .
17 Instead of land being in demand , lords were having to accept tenants where they could find them , on conditions which the tenants were prepared to offer .
18 Children who behave well at school but badly at home may be responding to family tensions , or they may find it easier to accept discipline in the more formal atmosphere of a school .
19 Travellers might get used to jet-lag in the sense that they learn to live with it , or they might find it progressively more irksome as their initial excitement with travel begins to wear thin .
20 As ever , Oscar took beauty where he could find it , and before setting off , halted to admire the spectacle .
21 ‘ I mean , ’ Simone said gently , ‘ that I might find him very attractive , despite all your dark and desperate misgivings , but it 's not mutual . ’
22 I was fearful that I might find you down another alley . ’
23 I called after her that Jean-Claude was not at home but that I would find him .
24 I had said that I would find it easier on my own and she had been hurt , for normal mothers and daughters went together on this expedition , lunching in a department store and discussing the newly acquired contents of the carrier bags that lay at their feet .
25 My greatest fear - my greatest fear is that I shall find I have to kill him. ,
26 That I 'd find you in the office as usual at this time .
27 ‘ I was n't sure that I 'd find you in , ’ he drawled for openers — and suddenly Fabia did n't like his tone .
28 I excluded the whole of Scotland because she would have been a little too near home — even in Glasgow there was just the chance that someone might find her or she might bump into someone from home . ’
29 Few hours later he calls , we 're the funeral parlour , right ? he 's recommended us , we do the honours , bury them , ’ and his mouth opened like a grave , you could fall into that mouth for ever and ever , amen , and all those crooked grey teeth of his , no names that you could see , no names or dates , just blank , so nobody could find you , nobody could visit , nobody could leave flowers .
30 So , if you 've got a sister who 's a Rainbow Guide , do n't forget to tell her about this super section — after all it is especially for her , although you might find it useful too !
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