Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] have done " in BNC.

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1 Here , where I could 've done better , if only I 'd understood , if only he 'd helped me ; if only this , if only that .
2 Instead of telling the silly tart to go and put some knickers on , as you or I would have done , these guys go all sweaty and hot under the collar , and stare at her , gobsmacked and embarrassed .
3 I could have done that or I could have done the instrumental album .
4 Yeah cos they did a lot of work did n't they , or they should have done er
5 Still , 209 all out seemed a fair performance by England , or it would have done had more of their batsmen scored some runs .
6 They 'd have been able to certify him insane , or he 'd have done something so terrible and criminal they could have put him in prison , where he 'd be sodomised and knifed ; quietly disposed of without any fuss because the rules were different in there .
7 He eyes me , thinking that , although I might have done a few things in the Arctic , I am still a tiny lad without any fat ; he decides that it will be just a few minutes .
8 I would have been sorrier still if she had not paraded her distress so openly , sighing and staring into space and insisting that Richard should buy her whisky , which is expensive in Morocco — in her place I should have been so humiliated and ashamed that I would have done my best to put a good face on it — but I was sorry enough to agree that she should come with us , in our car .
9 ‘ I do not want to view any of what has happened in a negative light , though it goes without saying that I could have done without the loss of our first-pick forwards for a game of this type . ’
10 Daniel 's story certainly confirmed to me that I did the right thing — and that I should have done it years ago , if only for my children 's sake .
11 I do n't I mean I know I I 'm very busy , I 've got stuff that I should have done , months and months ago , that I have n't got round to doing yet , cos there 's been all sort of interruptions .
12 Now they were making it clear that they expected more from her : " If I had done reasonably well , they would say that I should have done better , and if I had done badly , they would ask , " What 's wrong with you ? " "
13 I was miserable most of the time , but it would be a towering ingratitude to say that I 'd have done anything else with my life . ’
14 ‘ That is putting it rather more strongly than I would have done .
15 The Clwydian Hills , rising to the south and cloaked in cloud , looked wonderfully alluring : so I threw myself into the long climb with far more vigour than I might have done normally .
16 I felt hotter than I need have done as I thought of the man who fed the dough on long , long shovels into that blazing hole .
17 One thing just seemed to lead to another , and maybe 1 said more than I should have done .
18 ‘ I told Nicola Sharpe more than I should have done . ’
19 So , I told her more than I should have done . ’
20 There were moments when he took on too much ; and although I pursued the matter of our volume only because he had invited me to do so , I soon realized that I was asking more than I should have done , especially as I was uncertain at any moment whether my collaborators saw eye to eye with me about the scope of our project .
21 ’ He sighed , knowing full well that she would have done .
22 How could he believe that she would have done such a thing ?
23 And now she knew that she would have done anything to be able to roll back the clock .
24 Almost immediately , Juliet realised that she would have done the same , if she 'd felt desperate .
25 Her feet hurt a good deal , and she thought , though not wishing to be ungrateful , that she might have done better without the boots .
26 And then again , ignorance er , at what she should subsequently have done er , then took over because she did n't realise that by having had er made contact with an individual erm it was necessary for her to report the matter to the police and she just did n't realise that that was something that she should have done .
27 It had been years since she had cried like that , and that she should have done so now in front of Luke surprised her even more .
28 He had not gone because his mother was always asking him to help her with things that she could have done perfectly well by herself .
29 I think Teresa felt very much as well that she could have done with more training on target setting and things like that .
30 I said that she must have done her act by now , but Rebecca said not to worry and that she and Clara always followed Plan B — to hide in the Ladies — if anything went wrong .
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