Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] be at " in BNC.

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1 Indeed it was to escape this commotion of the house that young Tennyson sought sanctuary and solitude in the surrounding countryside , where he could be at peace with all he beheld and find the inspiration for his poetic thoughts which he conveyed to us by his pen .
2 please would you tell Bill I will not be staying at the same hotel as the owners , and that I will again not be going to the president 's lunch , but that I will be at the races , even if he does n't see me . ’
3 On the basis of earlier work relying on measuring footprints , it had been estimated that their must be at least 60 rhinos in the park .
4 Although you may be at some bar or club with the community interest at heart , people do n't look at you like that .
5 Jenny , her half-sister , eighteen years old and five years younger than herself , had written so positively that she would be at the airport to meet her .
6 Immediately she 'd sensed that this was wrong , that there was nothing for her in this office , and that she 'd be at risk if she stayed around a moment longer than was necessary .
7 Techniques " at the bell " are four ( 1 ) living with the headlines and main outlines of your subject by the use of swot cards ; ( 2 ) rehearsing old papers ( or papers concocted from textbook examples ) under examination conditions , with the deliberate aim of making these conditions so familiar that you will be at ease — with the " this-is-old-hat-to-me " feeling in the examination room ; ( 3 ) listening with a much more critical ear to your tutor and to the lecturer — especially if he is also the examiner ;
8 I mean in n things like swimming baths are chlorinated so they 've got a low bug count anyway , so , so you 'll be at low risk of getting anything there .
9 I agree with the Prime Minister that we must be at the heart of Europe , working with our partners to build Europe 's future .
10 Our filming will involve exterior shots only and I would anticipate that we will be at Jodrell Bank for about an hour .
11 In our part of the world we keep up the brave talk for the sake of the image of the region , so that there may be at least some inward investment and so that those industrialists , small business , training centres , local enterprises and cooperatives which are struggling so hard to make a go of it , will not be discouraged from at least having a go , but there is n't much hope and conviction really .
12 Charity supposed that there could be at least an element of truth in that , though she did not feel comforted .
13 Mr Kinnock 's preference for his successor to be in place by the end of June proved impossible to meet , as the party 's rules decree that there must be at least 12 weeks in which to consult the three groups that make up the electoral college — MPs , constituency activists and the unions .
14 Their calculations of reaction rates in the Sun 's interior imply that there must be at least 10 20 times as many monopoles in the Sun as is possible according to the limits set by the non-detection of monopoles here on Earth .
15 When the equation is worked through , we discover that there should be at most 50,000 and at least 40 such civilizations .
16 Will my right hon. Friend go as far as to say that we definitely intend in the fulness of time to bring in legislation and , I hope , include in the legislation the provision that there should be at least one employee representative among pension fund trustees ?
17 Following the visit of our hon. Friend the Member for Enfield , North ( Mr. Eggar ) to Basildon last Friday , will my right hon. and learned Friend endorse our hon. Friend 's statement that the independence that we are offering colleges of further education and sixth-form colleges such as Basildon 's will enable them to be more effective , efficient and flexible than they can be at present ?
18 Clement 's purpose was to make cultured persons under instruction for baptism , called ‘ catechumens ’ ( by contrast with ‘ the faithful ’ who are the baptized ) , feel that they would be at home in the church .
19 Thus , for example , the disabled wife ( or cohabitee ) can only draw the Non-contributory Invalidity Pension if she is unable to perform normal ( as defined by the DHSS ) household duties , regardless of whether housework is her normal profession , regardless of the fact that men and single women only have to prove inability to do paid work to qualify for the pension ; and conversely , the Invalid Care Allowance , for people who lose their incomes because they must stay at home and care for a sick relative , is not payable to wives ( or cohabitees ) because it is assumed that they would be at home in any case !
20 TWO youngsters who were strangled after warnings that they could be at risk were put on a council child protection register in June , it was revealed yesterday .
21 Well we believe that they could be at or below the three hundred and seventy eight pounds .
22 Mr Berkley had almost felt pity for him , and genuinely regretted that they should be at war .
23 In this passage , Paul reminds his readers not only that that they should be at peace , but also where that peace will have its origin .
24 Although he would be at a considerable financial loss , Serampore had a number of significant advantages : far more people , a good site only two hours boat journey from Calcutta , complete freedom to engage in evangelism and the chance to operate a printing press freely .
25 On January 22nd Alan Greenspan , chairman of the Federal Reserve , suggested that it would be at the low end of that range largely because much of the equipment being used would not be replaced .
26 Last week , John Wright , another CEGB witness , warned that it would be at least another decade before the board would be able to assess the potential of renewable and alternative energy sources .
27 Not that it would be at all necessary , she reassured herself as she felt a sudden burst of fright .
28 If he needed to be questioned again it was right that it should be at home and with his parents present .
29 And the suggestion was that it should be at nine thirty , and not ten thirty .
30 I am pleased to confirm in writing that Christian Aid 's Executive Committee have agreed to Christian Aid supporting the proposed course , and that it should be at the University of Edinburgh .
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