Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] be on " in BNC.

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1 Paddy and I shared the neurosis of spending longer than necessary calculating where we would be on what date if we maintained that day 's speed .
2 It may be a light aircraft twenty miles away , in which case they will go in their own cars , or it may be on the other side of the world , in which case they will be on the next airline flight in that direction and might not be home again for several weeks .
3 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
4 They had not been schooled in the symptoms of such abuse , but she told reporters that the abuse of children was such a terrible problem in society , that everyone should be on the look-out for it .
5 Were you worried that I might be on the verge of getting married , too ?
6 I was nervous because I did not have any friends and I was worried that I would be on my own .
7 ‘ I reckon you need your beauty sleep , so I 'll be on my way . ’
8 FOR the first half of the year you should have plenty of attack , although you may be on the receiving end of a show of force .
9 Although Ruth now knew that she would be on the moor throughout the coming winter , and perhaps if she was lucky see the first , early signs of spring , she knew she was now taking her farewell of its chief beauty .
10 He had warned her that she would be on her own , with only the butler for company , until Saturday when he returned .
11 ‘ Of course I 'll take you , ’ Fabia replied without hesitation , and was about to add that she would be on the same flight with her when she was halted by a change in Cara 's expression .
12 If , as is the case in most households , only one room can be spared for her , it will be greatly to everyone 's advantage if it is big enough to take her bed , wardrobe and dressing-table , and other necessary items of furniture plus two comfortable armchairs and a television set and radio , so that she can be on her own when she likes , with her favourite programmes ( which may not always be yours ) and able to entertain a friend in the privacy of her own small domain when she wants to , with familiar things around her which help her to preserve her identity and links with the past .
13 And I have calculated that you would be on Mr. Stavanger 's side through thick and thin .
14 ‘ It 's natural that you should be on his side , if he 's your client .
15 Well , she had been warned , so she would be on her guard .
16 Born in 1930 , so she must be on the verge of retirement now .
17 And I may not need your services now , so you could be on a train back to Frankfurt tomorrow . ’
18 And here I must agree that I am beginning to fear that we may be on the edge of an age of the worst kind of mass production .
19 The Unionist fear is that we may be on the last verse of another .
20 On the other there was the undoubted fact that we would be on the receiving end .
21 ‘ Rourke , ’ she said carefully , ‘ it 's cold out here , and I 'd be grateful if you 'd make a start in clearing up so that we can be on our way . ’
22 Can I say finally Chairman , that I will be instigating a er a request er I shall be requesting I should say perhaps to the director of education that erm the three party spokesman on the management committee and all those officers who will be involved in implementing this decision will get together at the earliest and I 'm citing possibly next week so that we can be on our way to plan the next step forward to a concrete implementation of this particular proposal .
23 They erm there 's , there 's less , there 's less a feeling of community in there than there would be on the average street .
24 For many years to come , there will be greater dependence on a good interchange than there can be on the prospect of direct services between Scotland , the north of England and Wales , and the channel tunnel and beyond .
25 Will he therefore do his best to defuse the present unhappy situation and assure the people of that great continent that , although they may be on the other side of the world , they are close to the hearts of the people of the United Kingdom ?
26 They can be more selfless , more public spirited , more erm idealistic than they would be on their own , because the super ego can presumably erm influence the ego in both directions , it can make the ego erm transcend itself as it were to higher ideals and like someone sometimes sees this in , in group behaviour , but equally of course it can erm debase the ego by setting lower standards than the ego would normally accepted itself .
27 These facts make them more reliant than they should be on the good opinion of their partners .
28 And although subsequent reviews found it thoroughly sane and quite uncontroversial , clerics of the Church of England publicly announced that they would be on standby alert to deal with any members of their congregation upset by the programmes .
29 Following the judgement , it was clear to anyone concerned to suppress publication of the Diaries , or any part of them , that they would be on an impossibly bad wicket .
30 Initiating pupils into theology is an essential part of RE , so that they may be on the wavelength of the major religions and be able — if they wish — to use their language and outlooks to make sense of their own personal experience .
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