Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb base] been at " in BNC.

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1 It may be a consolation for them to know that I 've been at the receiving end myself .
2 He said the area had ‘ an extremely unfair image because the majority of people on this estate want the best housing facilities and the best education for the children and that is certainly my view in the year and a half that I 've been at the school ’ .
3 When I go back to the police station I 'll write today that I 've been at Harlowbury School all day doing a school visit and a school talk to different classes .
4 Because of the repayments that were made of borrowing during that period , in the midst of a recession we are now in a better position to borrow prudently — than we have been at any stage in the past : to borrow prudently and to maintain our commitment to a balanced budget in the medium term .
5 The Labour party won control of Derbyshire with a substantial majority in 1981 and the inspector of constabulary says that there have been at least eight years of progressive underfunding by the police committee — 1.8 per cent .
6 Supporters of gun control are in a stronger position now than they have been at any time since 1968 , after the shootings of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy .
7 ‘ But blood is thicker than water and I have been at the hospital waiting to hear how she is but she has n't come round yet , ’ said Mr Harrison .
8 Anyway , the Wild Wood is seething with them , and in its endless darkness the beasties multiply ; they 've no enemies to control them , and they 've been at it for centuries !
9 The Psalms offer a rich mixture of spiritual , literary and musical expression and they have been at the heart of the Church 's daily worship since biblical times .
10 But that still boils down to the fact that everybody thinks they know how schools work cos they 've been at school themselves .
11 ‘ Sorry , but I 've been at it all day . ’
12 But I 've been at it for 15 years .
13 Well , this is the thing , we have a caretaker but er fo for his services , but I 've been at the council and I have got nowhere , I have from the corporation , there 's an awful lot of people complaining but they 'll do nothing about it !
14 Well , I feel better than I was , but I 've been at Haywoods Heath which was a religious community
15 ‘ Unemployment is something that personally concerns me because I have been at the edge of unemployment all my life , ’ added the 42-year-old who speaks highly of the quality of the environment on Teesside , a much richer and more vibrant and pleasant place in which to live than he had imagined .
16 ‘ The first half was the worst we 've ever had since I 've been at the club .
17 My standards have definitely dropped since I 've been at home with the baby .
18 While you 've been at work ?
19 While you 've been at
20 Despite the fact that all are senior and serious Labour figures , since we have been at war , they have been either confined to briefs or otherwise disciplined .
21 I can get no sense into him nor out of him , though I 've been at him without relenting for days . ’
22 You ca n't do , not when you 've been at pains to tell me what rubbish all this astrological mumbo-jumbo is .
23 I would have thought that you 'd be delighted to invite Calder back just to put your views across again , even though there is n't anything between you both , as you 've been at pains to tell me ! ’
24 Unfortunately , as we have been at pains to argue , to do so would be only to impose our own interpretation of reality on the reader .
25 Delegates are still addressed as brother , sister , or comrade , but this year there are electronic signs in the hall giving the speaker 's name — as there have been at the Conservative conference for quite a while .
26 As they have been at Wimpey Homes ’ first development of Superspec houses at West Moor in Newcastle upon Tyne .
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