Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb past] at a " in BNC.

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1 A favourite place was Newbeggin-in-Teesdale where they stayed at a farm and where he learned to ride .
2 It 's a piece of pipe that I got at a plumbing supply place ; I bought a twelve foot piece of pipe and had it cut into pieces a little over an inch long .
3 There was-no sign of a mansion , so I knocked at a cottage door and enquired .
4 The newsagent 's , alas , was closed , so I looked at a couple of travel posters , then wandered back .
5 Once I ran at a fair in the noise
6 It was too late to go to the campsite , or even to get a bus out of town , so we stopped at a hotel where they worried about us and charged too much for Coke .
7 Furthermore , the wages of artisans , although they moved at a different rate , followed the same general pattern of increasing real values at approximately the same dates .
8 There had been stone dragons , and jade dragons so delicate that they disintegrated at a puff of breath .
9 The interesting points to note for both papers are that they emerged at a time when the SDP , a party of the middle-ground , was in the ascendant , and that neither moved to the ‘ left ’ , not even the social democratic ‘ left ’ , in the 1987 election .
10 The talks were the most significant in a 15-month series of deputy foreign ministerial level discussions in that they occurred at a time when the two countries appeared to be on the verge of restoring full diplomatic relations .
11 Individuals in that generation of whom we know most seem to have grappled uncertainly with how to deal with their growing understanding of and revulsion from the slave trade ; sometimes it was almost to their own surprise that they arrived at a commitment sufficiently deep to devote a major portion of their time and energies to the cause .
12 We can infer that George was in a restaurant , and that he sat at a table and looked at a menu .
13 His last call would be in Trinity Road , Hilderbridge , so he stopped at a confectioners and bought a box of fruit jellies .
14 At this there was a loud outburst of laughter , and everyone looked at a girl sitting at the back , who , scarlet in the face , ran out of the room , sobbing .
15 The conversation about oxtail had made her realise how hungry she was and she stopped at a delicatessen shop on the way home and bought a pizza .
16 If she fell at a fence he could not avoid trampling her .
17 He had long ago noticed that if you stared at a customs officer when going out through the green channel , the customs officer stopped you .
18 Now the big mistake was this it was n't of ve of very great importance who governed North er North or South Korea , er they were n't particularly important strategic areas , they did n't have er important ports or , or er or base facilities or any resources then erm the mistake was in fact to directly challenge Chinese security , and if you looked at a map you 'll see in fact how this er came about .
19 Kāli chose the steeper , shorter route to the forest and we climbed at a leisurely pace , stopping occasionally to catch our breath , lurching drunkenly and bumping into each other when the gradient increased and we were too lazy to keep up our momentum .
20 The adrenalin was running high for Haslemere 's final league game of the season and they began at a relentless pace .
21 and they sold at a very low price and
22 Loretta refused with a laugh , and they continued at a more sedate pace .
23 They had cups of sweet milky tea and they sat at a table .
24 Inside the bar they descended again into the dining alcove , and they sat at a table by a small-paned window which was back on a level with the path outside .
25 He told Farrel he had no objection if he wanted to take Rose to a discotheque , provided they returned at a reasonable hour .
26 They followed the stretcher until they arrived at a large tent which had a hastily painted sign slung across its front .
27 Then , being prevented from moving into other grazing areas by groups which had developed similar ideas of ownership , and realizing that there were limits to the carrying capacity of the land , they would sell off surplus cattle until they arrived at a perfect balance between the land and the stock residing upon it .
28 His foot slipped and he grasped at a piece of jutting tile and dragged himself back to safety .
29 At that time of year there were few people about and he sat at a table by himself .
30 The story of the railways is intimately tied up with the wider saga of the industrialization of Europe , and it proceeded at a different rate in each country .
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