Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb past] to i " in BNC.

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1 After considering the nature of the exercise and the people involved , I decided against asking to use a tape-recorder and instead noted the events in longhand as they occurred and , where it seemed to me to be significant , noted what was said , verbatim .
2 Much more cogent reasons for Ms Brown 's correct conviction are to be found in Lady Diana 's own words , which I quote from Philip Ziegler 's biography and which amply confirms others , just as forceful , that she used to me in the course of our more than 40 years of close friendship : I never responded to his dribbling , dwarfish little amorous singeries .
3 It 's good that you came to me .
4 Well , first of all may I respond positively to those kind words of welcome that you extended to me .
5 Calm , purposeful and entirely self-possessed : so she seemed to me . ’
6 Once she turned to me and said , ’ You 're not half such a stuffed shirt when you 've got a drink inside you , Mr. K. ’
7 Once you said to me ,
8 It was only by being constantly on the scene , as a neutral , that we seemed to me to move at all .
9 Yeah well changes platforms of all these trains , anyway after a bit we decided that the Redditch train was going to come in before the train , so , er they did n't change it to say it was n't going to Redditch cos once when I was doing that they said to me , the lad was it , because it 's not to ready to change that time , you would n't matter , cos oh there 's people here waiting to go to Redditch , change it , so he said oh anyway it came , the twelve six came all the young folks going to you should of seen the number that had got off
10 I had been singing it at Bayreuth so they came to me . ’
11 She shuddered every now and then and pulled the coat lapel across her neck , although it seemed to me quite a warm day .
12 So my skin began to look better , my guts were giving a great , big heartfelt vote of thanks , but I went on losing weight that it seemed to me I could ill afford to lose .
13 Thus death has been ever close to me — so close that it seemed to me at times that I could reach out and touch it .
14 R.B. Yes , another teacher mentioned this when I talked to her and I was saying that it seemed to me that it was a blind spot .
15 I said then that it seemed to me that the Consolidated Fund Bill would provide an opportunity to debate it — possibly at some length .
16 Not that it came to me just thinking : I realized it at school .
17 When crossing by boat from West Loch Tarbert to Port Ellen on one of my early Journeys to Islay I was talking with an elderly minister who was coming to visit a crofter brother who was ill , and during our conversation said that it appeared to me that for a small island with a population of about four thousand it had produced an unusually large proportion of ministers , ship captains , marine engineers and doctors and asked him why he thought that was so .
18 It was then that it occurred to me that there was some connection between Jean-Claude 's relationship with Ahmed and Meaulnes 's with Frantz .
19 ‘ The way I was dismissed ensured that it occurred to me , ’ Maria asserted tightly .
20 and , I did n't so much I just thought that it happened to me
21 I went on my way happy after that — indeed , happier than I had been before I had seen the strange apparitions-and it occurred to me that somebody both less logical and less imaginative would have jumped to the conclusion that what they had seen were UFOs .
22 ‘ It 's much more hilly that I expected , much more severe , more than anyone said to me , ’ said Montgomerie .
23 Will the Minister cast his mind back to the letter that he wrote to me last October — a soothing reply to the representations that I had made to him — pointing out that the Salford careers service , which covers my constituency , had forecast a shortfall of between 400 and 450 YTS places ?
24 The hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside is brandishing a document that he sent to me , but he refused my offer to come to see me .
25 I had nothing against Dr Hill , except that he seemed to me an entirely incongruous appointment that Harold had made for the wrong reasons .
26 When my Noble Friend was kind enough to say that he looked to me for help as being I think he said an ornament on the front bench , was n't quite certain whether that was supposed to be a compliment or not , but I thought an ornament or something that you that sat upon a er er er er er upon a shelf and looked pretty , but did n't actually do anything .
27 So erm Still so he said to me , What 'll do ?
28 I want well out of it , so course she come in got changed , so he said to me I would like you tomorrow to have a word with Robin about stopping her coming down to us he said because erm it makes me feel very uncomfortable he said and we had that hassle he said it 's a load of nonsense he said I 've forgotten
29 and I worked for the council so he spoke to me one day and he said , Will you cut the roads with a tractor and a mower .
30 Once he said to me , ‘ You should go and see my adoptive son in Zvenigorod .
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