Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb past] with her " in BNC.

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1 He was able to find her and bring her back home where he pleaded with her to stay .
2 Especially when he had made it crystal-clear where he stood with her .
3 ‘ She was going back here so I came with her . ’
4 She changed seats with Hugo so that she sat with her back to the other diners .
5 Were you so enamoured of the woman that you remained with her after your father was killed ? ’
6 Neither David nor the superintendent replied , but Rachel knew from their expressions that they agreed with her .
7 She could see that he agreed with her .
8 Desmond thinks that he 's the dad of thing cos he was so drunk that he slept with her but his mum
9 Again she laughed and cried , and I laughed with her .
10 I discussed my feelings with the woman in question and I slept with her , but I deeply regretted it later on and was sorry that I had n't weighed up the consequences more thoroughly beforehand .
11 ‘ They do n't grow on trees , ’ said my mother , and I agreed with her silently .
12 That was a case , I worked in a hotel for years and years and it closed down with the new bypass and that , and just a girl beside me , she was coming for an interview , to the B M K and I came with her .
13 The visitor left , forgetting to take her sewing machine , and I left with her , knowing full well that I would never see Aisha again and that news of my forcing the lock on her cupboard would reach my family and the whole village well amplified , so that I 'd end up accused of stealing all of Aisha 's possessions .
14 er and keep her company cos he was at work and the kids were in bed , and she says I went over and sat with her and had a cup of coffee and a smoke and I sat with her , you know , till she was ready for bed .
15 ‘ I have an old friend who works for a publisher in New York and I stayed with her for a couple of weeks while I found a job .
16 Flavia was beautiful and I danced with her again and again .
17 Her mother had told her to bring back at least one load before it got dark , and it would be much more fun if I went with her .
18 Once more things were happening she had not caused to happen but now there was a difference and she sat with her back to the tree trying to discover what the difference was .
19 ‘ Let's go for a walk , ’ she said , and he shared with her the feeling that it was impossible to keep still .
20 Sister Cooney took him by the arm and he went with her , unresisting .
21 Rain told him she had a better one and he went with her to listen as she talked to Riley and the lawyer , Wilmot , about the prison release dates .
22 She laughed , deliciously , and he laughed with her .
23 A bird had gained entry through one of the broken windows and flown helplessly around until it collided with her .
24 And it would be a case of him taking her sightseeing if he went with her would n't it ?
25 ‘ Did n't the goddess Calypso promise Ulysses immortality if he stayed with her forever ?
26 She moved her head away from him , but he moved with her and his mouth closed on hers once more .
27 as if to escape from the great pool of light , the destroyer gathered speed , but it moved with her , red , green , and orange tracer streaming into her sides .
28 In fact , she did n't want to go anywhere unless he came with her .
29 All that till I lived with her and saw through her .
30 And whether he went with her or not , she would do it .
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