Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb past] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1941 I was trained as a Navigator/Radio in the RAF and was eventually sent to an OTU where I crewed up with a Canadian pilot , Bob Tidy of Toronto .
2 or they came by something where somebody turned up in a little van that was n't a Post Office van and I had to sign .
3 We motored down to Vyborg Castle Harbour , where we tied up by a newly built tax-free shop in the shadow of the 12th Century castle .
4 Erm can someone make it clear to me where we ended up with Q P5 , I am not sure whether we are changing the application or deleting Yes the exception both doing both your doing both yes .
5 All-night parties , Nina dancing in the nude , Modi stumbling into the sketching class very drunk , the weekly visits to the Gaieté Montparnasse , a small , bawdy music-hall where they sat up in the gallery , all paint a happy-go-lucky picture .
6 Four transports carrying a total of 124 children came from Danzig , travelling by train via Berlin to the Hook where they joined up with other groups waiting to be ferried across to Harwich .
7 The town 's smaller churches had either already disappeared by 1461 ( All Saints ' beyond the Bridge , St. Mary Bynwerk and St. Michael at Cornstall ) , or they continued up until the mid-sixteenth century ( St. Stephen , St. Andrew , St. Peter and St. Clement ) .
8 He reached the rendezvous safely where he met up with Captain Buck .
9 In terms of Greater York and its th the York greenbelt I think it 's true to say that er some time ago when David Kaiserman of Manchester did research on greenbelts he came to the view , or he came up with the conclusions from his questionnaires that he sent round , and that study was done , must be ten , fifteen years ago or more , that greenbelts should endure unchanged for at least twenty years , and probably in excess of thirty , and those were the responses of county planning and other major planning authorities at that time , that view if anything has hardened , the public view would be way beyond thirty years .
10 ( 5 ) A speculative question the pupil is asked to consider how the situation might have developed or what led up to it , e.g. " What do you think happened next ? "
11 Which meant I probably was like awake to start with , because I , although I got up at seven , I still was n't ready to go to bed at eleven , cos it was still too early , and usually I go to bed about two .
12 As I suppose was inevitable , the story gradually became that Eric would set fire to them , not just their pet dogs ; and , as was probably also inevitable , a lot of kids started to think that I was Eric , or that I got up to the same tricks .
13 And but the reason that I got up to ten stone is because christmas .
14 That I got up in the night and walked into an open press . ’
15 ‘ It was so late when we finished yesterday that I queued up for 20 minutes for a takeaway hamburger , ’ he said .
16 It was only later that I came up with a theory for his reticence to stop and speak .
17 My idea — I admit that I came up with it only this morning — is that the entire transaction involving the definition of the terms of reference for the study for the consultants should then become public property and not an enclosed relationship with the promoters .
18 I can if you want , it 's just that I came up with a few things that did n't make sense , they were fairly contradictory things .
19 At about the same time that I went up into the Boys ' School , my friend Hubert Gould moved away to Bournemouth and my other friend Alf Norris moved from The Friary to Greencroft Street and , as this was only two hundred yards from our house , we saw quite a lot of each other .
20 ‘ There are two reasons why I wanted to be sure that I met up with you after school today . ’
21 I told myself that I had up to two hundred and no more .
22 What The Stones and The Animals and all the great bands that I grew up with did was to take black music , and although it was played by white kids , they did n't change the nature of the beast , and it worked .
23 I was always fascinated with harmony , anyway , from the '60s records that I grew up with — the Everly Brothers , Buddy Holly and the Crickets .
24 Well I did n't know anything about any none of us knew anything about anybody in those days , cos it was so early on in the , and we were n't , I was influenced more by people like blues er black blues singers , American blues singers like Muddy and Lightning , all those old blues , , er they were the heroes for me that I grew up with playing skiffle and and then Lonnie became my first Lonnie became by first hero and I er modelled a lot of my early singing on Lonnie .
25 There are no colours — it kinda bugs me out , I just feel so f—ing glad , so incredibly lucky , that I grew up in America .
26 Expenditures , er some of the the er higher amounts are printing at ninety pounds fifty , cons conference fees at sixty pounds , er Euro Election er donation of twenty five pounds , photocopies of forty pounds , er bank charges Which er was a point that I took up with the bank erm Mr Chairman last December .
27 Erm just as an example , in the cutouts distributed , the three square kilometres , the three hundred hectares , is erm er double of course the area that I took up to two thousand and six of one and a half .
28 But the wind was behind me and each wave picked up the boat and surged her ahead , so that I tied up at the pier some fifteen hours after I had left , a little tired but satisfied that another small gap in our knowledge of birds had been filled .
29 Not content with claiming that I ended up in jail , many people have been led to believe that I murdered my wife , who , I can state categorically , is still living in Selly Oak , Birmingham .
30 So was it very surprising that I picked up on the African presence moving around the island ?
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