Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb past] [indef pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How many ships suddenly developed strange ghost personae ; mechanical poltergeists in the engine room ; voices where they had none before ?
2 Although no-one brought anything back to be replaced , it can happen it just is n't funny if a trick lighter fails to squirt water after all .
3 In fact , I do n't think that I 've mentioned anything since March , but I am not sure that I did anything really productive during April .
4 Nevertheless , I knew that I needed something far beyond that which could be offered by the NHS .
5 Now I felt that I wanted nothing else in the world but to be allowed to read this dismal grammar all winter .
6 And it did n't move , so I tried something else .
7 Jane could not bear to give up for , although she knew nothing so harrowing as the run-up to a match or a medal , she knew nothing to compare with the excitement which lay on the other side of the 1st tee : " However tight a match , I never believed that anyone was going to beat me .
8 He rather hoped his wife would wake and catch him like this , unshaven , hair greasy and uncombed , and as he stood beside the bed he farted quite loudly , as if to remind her that she deserved someone as awful as him .
9 And if she did come in she always made sure that she had somebody else with her .
10 As the transporter approached the dead end without slowing , Bernice remembered that she had something else to tell the Doctor .
11 That possibly meant that she had something else on this weekend .
12 She put her finger to her lips and he watched in astonishment as she opened her dressing to reveal that she had nothing on .
13 was taken on that she had one immediately sh , we lost dad
14 For reasons set out in earlier reports and in statements ( IG 16–19 ) concerning her car , abandoned in Exeter station car-park , it is possible , even likely , that she met someone there by arrangement …
15 If you made everything into a joke , people thought that nothing mattered to you , that you took nothing seriously .
16 All I know is that by the time we had entered into residence again that autumn , we found we had made so little progress , and had remained so vague about our aims that , one evening , Harold Mason and I , who had seen more of each other than we did anyone else in the group , resolved to abandon the project altogether ; and I therefore wrote to Eliot , from whom I had not heard further , telling him that our plan had made so little headway that I felt it my duty to tell him not to trouble himself any more .
17 It introduced him to the bizarre situation that Churches treated each other worse than they treated anyone else ; and to the recognition that the reason for this was not religious but racial .
18 I hope that they got something out of it .
19 The areas of learning and experience are those identified earlier , except that they added one more : technological .
20 Dean 's parents spoke out angrily in the Mirror yesterday , after we had revealed the existence of the bug that they knew nothing about .
21 I think I left the Bench at least with an impression that they had someone very special to deal with , I was , of course , all the time praying that no one for the police would ask for his Conduct Sheet , which they overlooked after making a dutiful response to the Bench , and I hurried away to be met outside the Court by Stewart , who at once asked me to lend him a pound .
22 Well again er , er a three bedroomed house , I would , you see and they were putting one plug in , in , in each , each bedroom and , and two plugs in the main bedroom so they dropped one down altogether and erm , erm in a lounge like this to put two plugs in , sort of one in that corner and one in that corner it 's no good to anybody , it 's , as much as anything else was er , er about placing plugs as well er , if one 's only going to have two plugs well then least one should be able to place them in , in the right positions , er putting them behind doors is , is , is no good at all , a lot of them have been done that way because the it always means flex is going to be draped across the , the door if people are walking in gon na trip over it and erm , they probably got down to now , something er just less than the standard I would think in the , in the last houses they built .
23 Once they took one away from the woodpile and hid it in the stable and the mother searched everywhere , growing more and more distressed .
24 Although he ate nothing afterwards he continued to gain weight thanks to the presence of the Troll flesh .
25 Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott went back to his planning duties , although he did one more beach reconnaissance ahead of ships ' detachments of Royal Marines landing on Kupho island ( off Crete ) in a modest raid that destroyed a radar station , and might have brought back code books had not their metal safe been lost as a ship 's boat tilted in being hauled aboard a destroyer gathering speed .
26 I do recall him saying , not in that connection ( which his good manners would have forbidden ) but with reference to the system of rationing in general , that it made one obsessively conscious of the working of one 's digestive organs .
27 These few days with you have been like this country before me here — a new paradise , an enchanted place so rich in itself that it needed nothing else .
28 It must have been then , in a final flush of family feeling , that he made everything over to Nigel . ’
29 It was only when they reached the turning to Sansepolcro that he felt something hard underneath his foot .
30 The real trouble with him , according to the Anglo-Norman chronicler William of Malmesbury , was that he took nothing seriously , that " he turned everything into a joke and made his listeners laugh uncontrollably " .
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