Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She had tried to be better than someone else and ended up proving herself even worse .
2 He opened that one too and withdrew a telephone .
3 The YCs got punished more than anybody else and had a really hard time .
4 He does it better than anybody else and deserves the acclaim . ’
5 Nobody associated with Irish rugby put one and one together and decided that Mullin 's preparation was the training of the future .
6 It looks like he just and come here just to get a book .
7 West Frankish dispute-settlements of the mid-ninth century show that lesser landholders were perfectly capable of taking evidence on board , considering it rationally and reaching recognisably fair conclusions ; also that they could distinguish between genuine verdicts and frauds .
8 Most mortgage lenders see you in the same light as everyone else and make no concessions to the lifestyle that lies ahead of you .
9 There were no squabbles … as long as they did everything the same as anybody else and paid their fees , which were exactly the same .
10 Your ma probably worked here same as everybody else and fell for somebody who let her down , and that 's all there is to it .
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