Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [pers pn] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 In taking into account the user of the vehicle which they actually found or which they inferred from the practice of the previous owner it seems to me they did not err .
2 Our hidden self may be purposely concealed from the outside world , or something we keep from our own waking mind as too unsettling for conscious thought .
3 They took no care to work quietly , hoping that someone they disturbed from sleep would fetch them out a hot drink or a bite of freshly-baked bread .
4 And we it , we become so used to it , that we we exclude from our minds , we do n't think of it .
5 Most of the people in Bonanza 's outfit had been aware that Mahoney was up to some kind of private business that kept him in the bucks more than whatever he earned from Bonanza .
6 The whole program is based on a system of menus and sub menus , so whatever you select from the main menu will in most cases lead you to a sub menu , which may in turn lead you to another sub menu and so on , until the necessary choices have been made .
7 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is appalling that the Opposition whinge on about the failure of this country to export , when we know that what we need from both sides of the House is unanimity to help exporters and not complaints about them ?
8 I think it 's a shame she then made the ‘ career move ’ to a chat show format because she 's much more interesting in her own right than anything she elicits from her guests .
9 ‘ Well , it 's just possible that anything you had from Emor might still be there .
10 And he told me that if I He came from out Keyworth way , and he said If you can better yourself , Dorothy , do so .
11 Furthermore , this structure is split off from the actual social structure they carry ‘ in their minds ’ and which they internalise from their own culture .
12 This is why he calls the object of his study ‘ narrative discourse ’ , which he defines as ‘ the oral or written discourse which undertakes to tell of an event or a series of events ’ , and which he distinguishes from narrative as series of events ( story ) , and narrative as the act of narrating .
13 But then I mean come and saw me once , you see , when I was n't there like that and he he tested from top to bottom , he said well ar ar after we sit and talked , and like he said well I better give you the once over , I said th er , certainly .
14 Labour councillor Hugh Lloyd , who represents Upton , said : ‘ It all depends on what the Government say and what we get from land sales .
15 It also outlines what guidance and support you can expect to get at work and what we expect from you in return .
16 And we keep records of bookings , stating what is expected of us , and what we expect from a booking , ’ says the cheery singer .
17 And what we do from research is that children who smoke are more likely to smoke the brands that are heavily advertised
18 We we 've asked I M R O if they actually got those accounts and what they learnt from the er from the Liechtenstein company and they 've told us they ca n't , they ca n't tell us it 's er it 's private correspondence .
19 ‘ When you travel round the world , and being brought up in a family like mine , you learn that what happens on the field is actually very important to people elsewhere , and you feel , perhaps not so much a sense of responsibility , as a sense of focus in which people identify nationally for the best kind of reasons , and are made aware of who they are and what they came from .
20 The psychological contract is a contract of expectations between ‘ them ’ and ‘ me ’ — it links what I expect from them and what they expect from me .
21 At a time in their lives when self-image is intricately interwoven with feelings about sexuality and identity , young women talk about how they feel when they look in the mirror , and what they feel from the inside , looking out .
22 Having to check your watch will have a bad effect on the way you handle the interview and what you learn from it .
23 Please keep telling us what you think and what you want from the University .
24 ‘ My experience at The Dorchester and what I know from the Four Seasons Inn on the Park ( Four Seasons recently acquired the Regent Group ) , shows me that there is a market which appreciates the best service and is prepared to pay £200 a night and more for it . ’
25 And what I make from writing barely pays my part of the housekeeping .
26 It 's certainly made me rethink my approach to digital processors and what I expect from them .
27 Whether the men used me or not , I now have a better understanding of relationships and what I want from them .
28 When it seemed that the sound and whatever it emanated from was about to overwhelm us , the engine and coaches of an express train appeared in the left-hand window and whizzed past a few feet from the front bumper .
29 So , if what she received from Beatrix is what the kidnappers want , she 's not to know , is she ? ’
30 Is that the right sort of , if our I mean from our objective is to get more sales
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