Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun pl] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now I can speak of Callanish , ’ Minch continued more slowly , ‘ where my ancestors flew and where once so long ago I cast my shadow down . ’
2 The move followed a Supreme Court ruling by five votes to four on May 23 in the case of Rust v. Sullivan , upholding the constitutionality of a 1988 ban on abortion counselling , even in cases where women asked for information or where their doctors believed that it was medically necessary .
3 He traversed the deserts of Persia and Baluchistan by camel , crossed central Africa at its widest point ( Across Wildest Africa , 1907 ) , and explored the Matto Grosso of Brazil ( Across Unknown South America , 1913 ) where his men mutinied and made two attempts on his life .
4 A woman , a fair lady , who would listen to him and be moved by him , moved so much that her eyes glittered before she turned her head away in gentle acknowledgement of his sincerity and his dignity .
5 Was not the reason why the House thought it not plain that their lordships believed that Parliament did not have this situation in mind and would have cut down the wording if it had ?
6 In Couturier v. Hastie , the House of Lords said it was a matter of construing the contract and it was only after doing so , that their Lordships held that the buyer had not agreed to buy a spes and that the contract was therefore void .
7 He enjoyed brushing it , even when she made him stand so long behind her chair that his arms ached and his eyelids started to droop .
8 The delicate poetry of the atmosphere William seeks to establish is disrupted not only by that noisily symbolic iguana but by such clumping speeches as Shannon 's explanation that his problems began when his mother punished him for masturbating .
9 Gerald Vaughan , the health minister , simply reiterated in October 1981 that there is no clear evidence to link unemployment and ill health , and summarised the results of a DHSS study as showing that unemployment has different effects on different families ( to the chagrin of the researcher involved , who argued that his findings showed that the unemployed were more likely to suffer from physical , and psychological , ill health , unless they worked in hazardous occupations .
10 Sutcliffe , for example , ( 1982a : 148 ) indicates that his informants reported that they used " Jamaican Creole " with black interlocutors in the playground .
11 He was conscious that his words creaked and grated like machinery in the wrong hands , and that his smiling glance upwards at the bunch of mistletoe was more of a leer , a leer that stayed , unnaturally fixed by confusion and rage , as he observed Clare 's hesitation .
12 It was as a result of the discovery that the Parliamentary history of the legislation gave conclusive support to the construction I preferred that your Lordships agreed that the matter should be re-argued to determine whether it was permissible to use the Parliamentary history as an aid to the interpretation of the legislation .
13 I fought it open and my feet crunched as I went through .
14 I had nothing to do but paddle , and my fingers blistered as we canoed around Laguna Grande while the Australian , crouched in the bow with his bazooka lens , shook his head and tutted at each audible paddle stroke .
15 ‘ I lost toe nails , and my legs felt like they had been welded together — but at least I 'm still breathing , ’ said 40-year-old Arthur .
16 This went on for 13 months until my parents realised that I needed medical attention .
17 But I did n't discover the reality about sailing for myself until my parents decided that , at the age of 9 or 10 , I was ready to try it .
18 The fact that the maintenance of the hunting bands depended on a traumatic event and its consequences meant that those bands had a reason for needing to repeat the trauma , or at least some effective representation of it , and thereby to perpetuate its consequences — the taboos forbidding incest and parricide .
19 Somewhere outside , an oxcart was making its way up the steep hill upon which the Quinta de Santo António stood , and its wheels creaked and groaned abominably .
20 The management had the financial support of the Industrial Bank of Japan , the Employers Federation ensured that Nissan 's subcontractors would receive alternative orders , and its rivals guaranteed that they would not steal its markets while the firm was out of production .
21 In April a Sejm-appointed commission investigating the assets of the former PUWP and its allies revealed that some 1,866 of the PUWP 's 1900 buildings had been taken over by the government .
22 There was a Department of Trade inquiry into the Pergamon affair and its inspectors concluded that the Captain was not a fit person to run a public company .
23 Its legs were splayed out at awkward angles on the rug , and its flanks rose and fell with the deep breaths of sleep .
24 The change in the results is because the company and its auditors discovered that , ‘ based on information that has recently come to their attention , ’ payment for about $5.3m in equipment orders from a foreign government agency , recorded in the third quarter of fiscal 1992 , will not be forthcoming on the schedule expected .
25 Now , for the price of its modest subscription , Which ? and its laboratories revealed that the cleaning power of these rivals was practically identical .
26 She drew a breath as he offered her the platter of bread , and her fingers shook as she lifted a slice from among the pile .
27 Reluctantly she got up and her teeth chattered as she took a dressing gown from a hook behind the bedroom door .
28 Her torso itched as it puffed up like a flightless bird 's , and her legs dwindled and divided into a clump of Cthulhoid tentacles .
29 Mrs Binks was very fat and a filthy dress hung shapelessly on her as she slumped , cigarette in mouth , over the kitchen table She was absorbed in a magazine which lay in a clearing among mounds of dirty dishes and her curlers nodded as she looked up briefly at us .
30 The original suspended wooden ground floor was entirely removed after penetration of this structure for the installation of the new cross-walls and their foundations showed that some residual sections were badly affected by woodworm .
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