Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A keen sportsman , he was one of the mainstays of St. Martin 's Cricket Club in the Salisbury and District League where his really fast bowling was feared by opponents .
2 Just as cockfighting allows a world where women are rendered invisible , so Geertz 's writing creates a text where his actually present wife is ignored as a non-person .
3 One of 11 children , he was born on a Mississippi farm where his deeply religious father disapproved of the blues .
4 But his beat is often sluggish and lifeless , and when he does move things along he is apt to produce a coarse effect with his punched-out accents ( listen for example to ‘ Cease to beauty ’ or ‘ The flocks shall leave the mountains ’ ) or his aggressively pushy rhythms ( as in ‘ Happy we ’ or ‘ Love sounds th ’ alarm ’ ) .
5 But the committee chairman , the Labour MP , Gerald Kaufman , said : ‘ Either changes are made , I hope along the lines that we recommend , or I very much fear statutory regulation to which I am very , very much opposed . ’
6 White Stilton is a very young , immature Stilton and does not compare to the traditional blue variety , although I like it in salads and for cooking , where its slightly sharp flavour is penetrating .
7 This provides the reason why it was once extensively cultivated in the Aube , where its more southerly location and lack of limestone subsoil sometimes renders wines lacking the desirably high degree of acidity required for classic Champagnes .
8 Laugh she did , at any rate , and those convulsive movements succeeded where her more calculated efforts had failed .
9 However , although it is possible to use statements opening ‘ I believe that … ’ to make a psychological report , that is not their only or their most usual use .
10 Her winning smile or her pretty blonde hair ?
11 A Titford family photograph taken in the early 1890s shows husband and wife with five daughters and young Marwood , the girls in neat smocks or severe black dresses , the son in an Eton collar , and every one of the group looking his or her most miserable Sunday best Those photographers who made a speciality of enticing young ladies to say ‘ prunes ’ and ‘ prisms ’ to bring out their charming dimples , called ‘ watch the birdie ! ’ with much gusto or tried ‘ cheese ! ’ in the hope of a smile would have had a rough time indeed with severe-looking Benjamin James and his wife and children .
12 Paradoxically , families are often more concerned by the behaviour of a primary sufferer who , unbeknown to them , is desperately trying to withdraw from drugs than they are by his or her apparently normal behaviour when he or she is continuing regular use .
13 The risk of confronting the disease may be the possible death of the sufferer ; the risk of not doing so may be his or her almost certain death from the progression of the disease .
14 Ideally , all that needs to be said can be said in an hour , and if you think the journalist is genuinely interested in your work , try to give him or her as much time as required — it is appreciated .
15 The weather was foul and despite all attempts by the owner to make the property look nice and homely she could n't quite hide the rainwater dripping through ceilings , black mould on walls with associated smells , or its generally poor condition .
16 17.2.3 is signed by the party concerned or its duly authorised representative
17 The next step would be to offer thanks when there is reason to believe that the ‘ god ’ , or its more mundane forerunner had fulfilled the expectations of the supplicant .
18 Where there never many ghost stories speak about some of them but
19 He 'd much rather have advised a disciple — the earnest girl Fruitbat , perhaps , or her relentlessly smiling lover , Chogyam-Jones , who dressed in what looked like a Chinese carpet ; their flattery was becoming necessary .
20 He took small parts in ballets by Ashton ( a courtier at the ball in the premiere of Cinderella , one of the revellers in the cave scene of Apparitions ) and de Valois ( Checkmate , Don Quixote and Job ) , walked on as a pall-bearer in Helpmann 's Hamlet , and appeared in the classics , where his most prominent parts were a mazurka dancer in Swan Lake and a marquess in the hunting scene of The Sleeping Beauty .
21 At the same time , he — or his more perspicacious advisers — knew that the critical state of the Spanish economy would not allow Spain indefinitely to deny or defy the predominance of democratic regimes in the western world .
22 So that we have , I mean nothing of design or anything just short information because I think it 's so
23 Put it down to … to ‘ midsummer madness ’ , or your damned moonlit ghosts ! ’
24 He did not loiter to catch her although his apparently wayward path could seem designed to cross hers every now and then .
25 Lhote , who had already established a certain independent reputation , mixed cautiously in Cubist circles , but from 1911 onwards was generally referred to as a Cubist , although his somewhat academic style often gained him exemption from the unfavourable criticism directed at the other painters .
26 When his physical charms began to fade ( although his innately aristocratic manners remained unimpaired ) Henreid turned to such forgettable swashbuckling epics as The Spanish Main ( 1945 ) , Thief of Damascus ( 1952 ) and The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ( 1962 ) , as well as a number of television films .
27 My God ! my God ! what if she should dare to think , that my most beloved Friend is grown cold towards me !
28 I , I would say that my most vivid memory would be the erm thought that we were erm came here as just young flying boys .
29 ‘ To proceed with the lecture , I 'm aware that my somewhat variable moods disturb you .
30 It does n't seem fair that my relatively small problem has been dealt with so efficiently , whereas you and others I know have to struggle on with far greater difficulties .
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