Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] if " in BNC.

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1 Poppy seemed so much happier — the staff at the home had obviously helped to build her trust in people , although she still cowered if someone bent down to make a fuss of her .
2 In oil services , in the future there could be further major acquisitions but er , over the past three years we 've er , undertaken a whole series of acquisitions and er , and for the moment I would n't see anything er , in the , in the major line there , although you never know if some , even sometimes opportunities you are n't capable of creating erm , er , because the er , situation is not right er , do occur and I would n't rule it out but erm , er , we have n't erm any major acquisition er , on , on , on the carpet there at the moment .
3 A real advantage of his girl , McLeish thought grimly , was that she never lied if asked directly .
4 She began to go through the whole thing in her prayer and then realized that God of course would know anyway , so she simply asked if it could be that Timothy Gedge was possessed by devils .
5 Sorry , September and really they were n't bothered about selling at that time although they always said if the right offer comes along
6 Both the American and British governments are cloaking these new operations in a shroud of secrecy though it is unlikely any politician has the slightest idea what the two agencies are planning to do or that they even care if laws are broken as they have been in the past .
7 Although he sometimes wondered if the Doctor was dangerous , he needed him to return to his own time .
8 Coltart and Everett have been learning the hard way that it hardly matters if you can sometimes drive the ball 50 yards father than anyone else if the statistics show that some of your opponents single-putt an average of 24 greens per tournament .
9 The problem is that it only works if your PC has a fax card and is set up as a fax machine .
10 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
11 He told magistrates at Cheltenham that he never retaliated if he sensed trouble in his work .
12 Four of their Lordships held that ‘ in furtherance ’ referred only to the subjective state of mind of the defendant and that he so acted if his purpose was to help the parties in the dispute to achieve their objectives and if he honestly and reasonably believed his actions would do so .
13 I 'm Marty Hunter — ( Marty thought Graham ) — and I just wondered If you 'd ever thought of doing any mob "
14 The only one I would mention Chairman is not strictly accurate , we all did , lots of us anyway , the , the British Legion service on Sunday at the church and I just wondered if we could agree to send a letter to the president cos once again a lot of effort and time and organization went into it and I thought it was an excellent occasion and I think he might appreciate
15 And I just wondered if it would ease the discussion if we omitted that particular corridor ?
16 Erm what it is we 're a press agency working for the national papers and about eighteen months ago we did Em Emma 's story for the Sunday People erm and now I 've just seen the Evening Mail today erm and I 've got , you know the how she 's grown nine inches in the past eighteen months , er and just thought the story might er might take another outing and I just wondered if it was possible f for you to help us contact her er her mother at all ?
17 I 've heard a figure of about five hundred and I just wondered if that rings a bell as being reasonable with you ?
18 I just always think that that 's a moment when you think about — sort of your whole life has gone before you and I just wonder if you …
19 And while I think we ought to do what we can , I think there 's a line which ought to be drawn , and I do honestly wonder whether twenty-one , it was eighteen last year , and I just wonder if perhaps we should erm try and switch some of these to mid-week , so that we 're not seeing it virtually every Saturday of the year .
20 They would certainly be useful in floral decorations and I also wonder if they could be used in the greenhouse for transplanting seedlings ?
21 He and Sir John now appeared to be bosom friends and I secretly wondered if the Santerres had suborned this bumbling servant of the crown .
22 ‘ I wanted to spend some time with you , and I rather doubted if you 'd be susceptible to an offer of a weekend in Paris .
23 We were due to record a longish interview with her one afternoon , and over lunch at her favourite restaurant in Basil Street my producer Anthony Rouse and I both asked if there was any subject in her long life that she did not want touched upon .
24 Oh yes , yes it did yes er I do n't know whether it made us get more idle or what but erm the hours we used to work and erm I , I never had a sitting-down job I was standing all the while , and I only went if we could sort the keys out you know , we were lucky if we could sort them out to put the keys ready for packing you see , everybody wanted that job .
25 Two white lads and a coloured one and er it was a white girl and I often wonder if that 's a good idea er whether they should all be the same colour .
26 Their justification for doing it is that it 's for this thing , this painting or whatever , and I always wonder if it could n't be more without all that . ’
27 ‘ They would sit down and ride the horses out like we do and I seriously doubt if the public would notice much difference . ’
28 He neighed several times in a very intelligent , gentle way , and I almost wondered if he was speaking in his own language .
29 Still , there is plenty to justify Scrooge s charge of humbug in our present day Christmas practice , and I sometimes wonder if it is us who need to be frightened out of our effervescent joy .
30 As the carriages were successively condemned , the ‘ receiver ’ , who ran the railway , would buy up job lots and you never knew if you would be travelling in something from the Brecon & Merthyr , the London & South Western , or the Cockermouth Keswick & Penrith .
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