Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This is the state of affairs at a normal sports centre , where everyone else seems to be skilled and athletic and you too embarrassed to start .
2 And I just have to go to or I just have to sort of explain that when you pack a van , you do n't pack it like the advert for KitKat .
3 I argued a moment ago that if the student is to enter into his or her own work , and is to be committed to it , he or she simply has to be given the intellectual space — to a degree — to follow his or her own inclinations .
4 If a constable reasonably suspects that an arrestable offence has been committed , he or she may detain anyone whom he or she reasonably suspects to be guilty of it .
5 But he or she still seems to be unencumbered by , for example , the class , gender or ethnic relations which are of course socially constructed .
6 Whatever the job is , however humble or high-powered , you must make a positive effort to listen to the interviewer and answer the questions he or she actually puts to you .
7 The courses are designed for anyone in the voluntary sector who is unsure how the changes will affect them or who simply wants to be better informed .
8 ‘ Sometimes you come across patients you feel have been coached on what to say , or who just claim to be residents .
9 The dismissal of an HIV-infected employee ( or one erroneously assumed to be HIV-infected ) because co-workers feared transmission of the virus should be remediable .
10 Within an office environment where there seldom seems to be time to learn new software this approach may find a considerable following .
11 Course we was feverishly trying to chip the bricks and things off the horse then how , what had happened because we 'd got two stalls for them , and there was pigs in the one side and the horse in the other one , but of course when we eventually came to it , or they eventually came to the horse , he was dead , been killed standing up there like , you know and er , poor old pigs was all dead as well and as I said , about a hundred fell and two or three would been blown sky high .
12 FitzAlan tossed the gown carelessly on to the stool , where it promptly slithered to the floor .
13 When all else failed , or it simply appealed to her a woman could always turn to the ranks for employment .
14 She waited , having given him the opening , but suggestions of love and marriage — or anything remotely related to them — still remained unspoken , and , sadly , she realised that he did not love her .
15 His main principle with regard to the past was that nothing once given to God or the saints could be restored to the kingdom of this world without injustice .
16 I knew that I wanted a free and independent life although I secretly subscribed to the idea of marrying a professional , sighted man .
17 In one way the length of the history was a good thing as I have benefited in the end from the latest surgical techniques available in London , and although I still have to be careful it has made a tremendous difference to my life .
18 But the important thing was that I just wanted to be free . ’
19 No , I do n't want to do that I just said to her , I said you know , you can sort of erm ask Brenda she said I 'm doing that I 'm not on christmas day , would you ?
20 The things I said may have been unjustified , and the fact that I just happened to be bloody tired and bad-tempered was no excuse .
21 Then there was this thing that I constantly talked to the press .
22 I think perhaps that I actually needed to be able to think the worst of you , however personally unpalatable that worst was to me , as some sort of a defence , so that I could despise you even if it meant despising myself as well .
23 Not that I ever wanted to .
24 The funny thing is that I never expected to be an artist .
25 She dedicated her song to all the boys who had really regretted doing it , all the men who have ever said , naming no names , it took ten years of my life , and now I can truly say that I never want to even talk to him again , never to see him .
26 Another poem that I have dated in the typescript ‘ December , 1957 , Plaza de Anaya , Salamanca ’ , is one I was able to write for myself , and that I never showed to Dana .
27 It would not be whimsical to suggest that I still go to Arsenal now because of what Swindon did to me then : like a gambler who keeps playing because it is the only way to win back what he has lost , I still feel , somewhere in me , that I am owed for what Ian Ure and Jon Sammels and Bobby Gould put me through that afternoon .
28 The reason I want to learn ISL is that I often go to Dublin and feel ashamed of my inability to communicate .
29 Nozick wants to show us that we can suppose this ; but I am not sure that I really want to ( or ought to want to ) .
30 ‘ Please take notice that I sometimes need to be the real me ’ , is what she seems to be really saying through the way she 's portrayed herself . ’
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