Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is the state of affairs at a normal sports centre , where everyone else seems to be skilled and athletic and you too embarrassed to start .
2 They had dinner at a superb restaurant , bustling with the rich and famous , where everyone covertly glanced at everyone else , slyly assessing outfits and hairdos .
3 One leads up an unfrequented glen occupied by wild goats and skirts the northern flank of Beinn Fhada to arrive at a rough bealach or col , where I once shivered for two hours waiting for the mist to lift off Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan ahead , which it did not .
4 I 'll never forget the cellar of a little pub where I once stood for 10 agonizing minutes — ( it seemed like a century ) — with three of my friends , facing four of the meanest-looking characters I had ever met .
5 ‘ I have to eat about five times a day , or I just stop in my tracks . ’
6 or I just wait till the mix .
7 And I just have to go to or I just have to sort of explain that when you pack a van , you do n't pack it like the advert for KitKat .
8 In 1917–18 she served on the committee on post-war reconstruction , where she frequently clashed with Beatrice Webb .
9 Mia was driven to the Drumcondra clinic , where she instantly fell in love with rough , red-haired little Tip .
10 Go back to the west coast where you probably came from and join the other vagrants there .
11 Where you ever put on the landing ?
12 In America that either means you made it , or you just got off the boat .
13 I argued a moment ago that if the student is to enter into his or her own work , and is to be committed to it , he or she simply has to be given the intellectual space — to a degree — to follow his or her own inclinations .
14 If a user wants to read all the news stories on say , Lloyd 's insurance , he or she simply types in the name on a computer keyboard and a complete list of stories appears on the screen in seconds .
15 It will all depend on the choice to be made by the national legislatures , and in the case of countries which make the third choice the employee 's option not to transfer may give the worker no more than he or she already has under the Mikkelsen doctrine i.e. the option of going over or resigning from employment with the transferor .
16 If a constable reasonably suspects that an arrestable offence has been committed , he or she may detain anyone whom he or she reasonably suspects to be guilty of it .
17 ( As so often happens in secondary schools , the same individual may be enthusiastic in the one capacity for activity which he or she adamantly inveighs against in the other capacity .
18 If he or she still insists on following you around , make it clear that they can come no closer .
19 But he or she still seems to be unencumbered by , for example , the class , gender or ethnic relations which are of course socially constructed .
20 The teenager gets older , encounters some nicer , more controlled , more kindly people than he or she ever found at home — most people behave worst in their own homes — and with any luck comes to understand , yes , there is an aspiration or so floating around out there , and , if he , she , has n't seen too many horror movies , been too beaten up in body and mind , regains a little faith in a world at least potentially redeemable .
21 Whatever the job is , however humble or high-powered , you must make a positive effort to listen to the interviewer and answer the questions he or she actually puts to you .
22 Eight people each with different views who fail to cohere or who simply proceed by letting the majority view prevail ( as in voting ) are a group ( ie a collection of individuals ) not a team .
23 The courses are designed for anyone in the voluntary sector who is unsure how the changes will affect them or who simply wants to be better informed .
24 ‘ Sometimes you come across patients you feel have been coached on what to say , or who just claim to be residents .
25 We shall adopt a small arrow as our notation for assignment in this sense , so that ( 31 ) ( excluding irrelevant details like number , and the particular tense employed ) may be represented as ( 35 ) , where we again abbreviate by passing directly from the word forms to the intensional pattern : We may note , by the way , that the copular verb to be is the direct formal representation of the relation of assignment ; this has to be expressed overtly in English ( as well as being indicated by the order of noun and adjective ) , although in many other languages , e.g. Russian and Arabic , no overt exponent is required .
26 The dismissal of an HIV-infected employee ( or one erroneously assumed to be HIV-infected ) because co-workers feared transmission of the virus should be remediable .
27 No one generation has the right to pollute the planet or to consume all its natural resources in a manner that leaves for posterity only a polluted planet or one seriously denuded of its resources .
28 old son , you 're gon na stand on something sharp or something hot spilt on them and you are gon na scream
29 Trumpers or something Right gon na do , gon na get lunch in .
30 It is currently fashionable to talk of " competition policy " where one formerly talked of " monopoly " or " anti-monopoly policy " .
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