Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun prp] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The storage and preparation of food took place on the north side , where the Eastons have made a studio out of the old pentice , called the tempting shed , which ran along that side .
2 Only to the west where the Dee has carved its channel is there an escape from Dentdale without climbing .
3 Among the possible destinations there was Switzerland , where the Shah had spent a lot of time ( and a lot of money ) on his ski holidays .
4 The special levy , in years when it is levied , is payable where an RFL has held or received clients ' money in connection with an MNP , or where the MNP has held or received clients ' money .
5 The special levy , in years when it is levied , is payable where an RFL has held or received clients ' money in connection with an MNP , or where the MNP has held or received clients ' money .
6 Now he was into jazz because he 'd heard that the Yuppies had hijacked it after Clint Eastwood 's film on Charlie Parker , and had moved back a decade to the late ‘ forties .
7 Reports in May said that the UK had invested £19,000,000 to build an airstrip at the Rothera scientific station , 1,900 km south of the Falkland islands .
8 Ruling that the UK had breached international agreements , the judges dismissed the British government 's contention that it had not had enough time to meet standards set in 1975 .
9 Swinton believed that the UK had left the conference on good ground because US demands had been so unlimited .
10 Reporting on the talks the Financial Times of March 10 stated that the UK had failed to persuade China to " speed the work " of the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group ( JLG ) , which dealt with problems arising from the 1997 transfer .
11 Speaking on July 5 after the signing ceremony , Patten said that the UK had offered Brazil its " colonial experience " in forest management and called on other industrialized countries to provide similar aid in order that Brazil 's fear of " ecological imperialism " [ see p. 36793 ] could be overcome .
12 Meanwhile , at a joint press conference with Solanki in Delhi on Jan. 17 , Hurd indicated that the UK had broached the subject of India 's adherence to the NPT ; Solanki claimed , however , that the NPT was " discriminatory " and could not , therefore , be accepted by India .
13 The UK government was reported on Nov. 22 as having admitted that the UK had exported to Iraq the chemical , sodium sulphide , used in the manufacture of chemical weapons .
14 In contrast with the UK 's decline towards the European material average , it is frequently asserted that the UK has maintained its lead in intellectual and research activity .
15 It demonstrates what appears to have been a major weakness of the UK economy , namely that the UK has required over the last twenty years a higher rate of gross investment to produce a given increase in output , than did West Germany , France , Japan , the USA or Canada .
16 This means that claims by UK citizens under the Convention must always be pursued to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg to obtain judgment , with the result that the UK has had the highest number of judgments made against it by the European Court of Human Rights for one or more violations of the Convention 's terms .
17 By then , it was obvious that the Covenanters had won the day and many of the enemy , including Claverhouse , were in full flight from the field .
18 The Scotsman disclosed last week that the CRE had begun a formal investigation into the issue , the first of its kind in Scotland .
19 Spain stood very much where she had done when Philip II came to the throne , except that the Netherlands had broken free and had set up an empire based much more on trade than on overseas settlements .
20 There remains , however , the much more substantial argument that the GLC had exceeded its statutory powers as laid down in the Transport ( London ) Act 1969 .
21 It is only in the last hundred years that the West has taken a serious interest in exactly where the different Anatolian rugs were made .
22 If the insured insists on the original invoice being returned to him the invoice should be noted and stamped to show that the GA have included this invoice as part of a claims settlement .
23 Our distinguished , and rightly furious , director James Cellan Jones s quoted in the Times as believing that the BBC has lost its nerve in the wake of the Panorama libel case , which ended in a £250,000 settlement .
24 Nicholas Kenyon 's appointment as Controller of Radio 3 , in succession to John Drummond , means that the BBC has picked an unlikely man to try to turn around the fortunes of its embattled network .
25 In response to claims by MAS that the BBC has circulated a list of 67 records that they have allegedly ‘ banned ’ due to their being unlistenable , a spokesperson for Radio 1 said ‘ Absolutely .
26 CHANNEL 4 's Saturday night series TV Heaven which dishes up gems from the archives has been so successful that the BBC have jumped on the bandwagon .
27 Reports indicated that further relief from the United States , the European Communities ( EC ) and other donors would depend on discernable improvements in human rights ; reports in April and November from the international human rights organizations Amnesty International and Africa Watch stated that the RCC had detained hundreds of political opponents , many of whom had been tortured and executed [ see also pp. 37114 ; 37367-68 ; 37845 ] .
28 The new chairman , Dr Gregor Gysi , told an emergency party congress at the weekend that the SED had made a start in ‘ breaking with Stalinism , ’ but added that there was still a long way to go in ‘ overcoming Stalinist structures ’ .
29 The new chairman , Dr Gregor Gysi , told an emergency party congress at the weekend that the SED had made a start in ‘ breaking with Stalinism , ’ but added that there was still a long way to go in ‘ overcoming Stalinist structures ’ .
30 This is the first time that the NRM has loaned a locomotive to a non-railway organisation ( Truro Chamber of Commerce ) for a town centre display .
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