Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [adj] might be " in BNC.

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1 The immediate impetus came from Cromer , the inhabitants of which pointed out that Sir Bartholomew Read 's sixteenth-century £10 was sufficient for only ten boys , and that a new school for eighty or a hundred might be built for £250 .
2 Canon J Stafford Wright , an evangelical scholar and former principal of Tyndale College , Bristol , believes that the psychic might be man 's link with the rest of the animal world .
3 As de Lattre presented his case , his plan to construct 1200 bunkers of the Siegfried Line-type ( one wonders why its French counterpart was not mentioned instead ) was to provide against future Chinese attacks but , on the assumption that the Chinese might be deterred , French success seemed to be simply a matter of US munitions and confidence and , although it might have been misleading as a performance indicator , at the end of his visit to the Pentagon de Lattre was rewarded with Defense Secretary Lovett 's assertion that General de Lattre was regarded as a comrade in arms and that the US would do everything they could for him that was within their capabilities .
4 By the closing weeks of 1950 it seemed that the Chinese might be about to win an outright victory in all of Korea .
5 As a place to observe what the DEA was up to in Nicosia , Coleman found the Eurame Trading Company ideal , but from his very first day on the job , he had an uncomfortable feeling that the same might be true for the opposition .
6 Obviously , a bank will expect to receive loan interest plus , perhaps , a royalty on subsequent oil output for the additional risk incurred , although the latter might be reduced by obtaining agreements which contractually guarantee a market for resultant oil output .
7 He also believes that a Martian might be able to understand symbols ( and so apparently assumes that the Martian is not going to be at all like any future ( IBM computer ) .
8 Briefly in the winter of 1966 – 67 it seemed as if the British might be making some progress towards a cease-fire agreement in conjunction with the USSR .
9 Many important buildings have this characteristic , though the western apse was generally single and the eastern might be triple .
10 It has been said that working in advertising will give you the most possible fun you can have with your clothes on , and the same might be said of sharedealing .
11 However , just as the latter might be thought to have an intuitive grasp of affairs automotive which ought to be taken into account by anyone prone to theorising about the motor car , so it is conceivable that the way theoretical physicists regard the objects of their study might be a factor to be taken into account in assessing their significance .
12 Just as the dead might be said to take readily to flight , so the living found their spirits lifted .
13 Carrying hot metal , or tripping blindfold between red-hot plough shares , or plunging the arm in boiling water were the usual tests , though the accused might be flung into a pond to see whether he sank or not , or forced to eat an ounce of bread or cheese to see if it stuck in the gullet !
14 From a British perspective this seems little to ask for , though the Chinese might be justified in wondering why such democratic principles were not applied long ago .
15 Even though the same might be argued for painting , the technical obstacles to be overcome for painting are very much less than for sculpture .
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