Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Many turners appreciate pleasing curves but like me , do n't possess the ‘ eye ’ or the skill to create them on a lathe .
2 Some had travelled a considerable distance for example from Australia , Germany , Belgium and the USA and were not disappointed by either the welcome or the expertise offered them .
3 The refusal to see the signs of malnutrition and dehydration , or the determination to see them as something other than what they are , as a nervous condition to be treated with painkillers , tranquillizers , tonics and elixirs , represents the worst instance of collective bad faith in Bom Jesus de Mata .
4 There are n't many new ideas , or the money to back them , so if there is a good script that has an Asian angle , the chances are it 's got a better probability of getting made .
5 Sufferers from drug addiction are perpetually in trouble with the Law because their drugs of choice may be illegal and because they may have to steal or commit other offences in order to obtain their drugs or the money to buy them .
6 At the moment , local authorities , which are supposed to police many of the new controls , do not have either the expertise or the money to make them work .
7 Peugeot is promising overnight delivery of parts or the customer gets them free of charge .
8 Like the world of commerce , the clerical profession offered increasingly varied opportunities to young men with the means , the talents or the vocation to seize them .
9 According to the economist , he lacks the tools of a statistical training or the will to use them .
10 With a spreadsheet you can alter values , constants or the formulae relating them at will and the entire sheet will reflect these changes , instantly .
11 It is doubtful however that many librarians outside language teaching institutions or areas with serious literacy problems will find the time or the need to consult them .
12 Lear had managed to attract 175 subscribers for the Parrots but had not the temperament or the means to press them for payment .
13 Generally the offence is straightforward as outlined but if an unlicensed pillion passenger on a motor bicycle persuaded the rider to take off his ‘ L ’ plates or the passenger took them off himself he would aid and abet the rider 's offence of no ‘ L ’ plates .
14 Changes were on the way ; but not because the British government or the Governor initiated them , Dorman-Smith and Knight had managed to stone-wall for almost a year ; largely because Bogyoke was occupied in building up his power base .
15 Crossing into Dutch Timor next day , they moved over the dry coral rocks and through occasional dells of trees around clear springs before reaching a Roman Catholic mission church where the priests told them of Sparrow Force 's defeat .
16 The Lears are unusual in that they live in colonies ( two are known to exist ) in North Brazil , where the natives regard them as food and not an endangered species .
17 As the eggs sink to the bottom they are guided towards the centre , where the aeration sweeps them upwards again .
18 In May papal backing was given to her conditions for return ; two legates brought letters urging the younger Despenser to assist the reconciliation of the king and queen , virtually a request for him to abandon the court , but they got no further than Dover where the king interviewed them and threatened them with death if they dared to publish the pope 's letters .
19 This group contrasted completely with another 40 per cent who perceived severe pain from the instant of injury and where the severity surprised them and those who treated them .
20 A decade ago , planning ministers were writing policy which said that houses must be built where the market wanted them , and quick .
21 The albatrosses too were mercilessly hunted and often left , plucked and dying , where the sealers found them .
22 After all , the researchers have looked just where the theorists told them to look .
23 When she blinked , the tears overflowed and ran back along her cheekbones to her ears , where the swaddling absorbed them .
24 Similarly there is no liability if a railway company , acting upon A 's directions , carries B's goods , honestly believing that A has B's authority to give such directions or , of course , where a finder removes them to a place of safety .
25 Children were carried shoulder-high to the road , where a bus took them to a seafront hotel .
26 When they 're still children a mother or a whore gives them a piece of broken mirror in which they trap a ray of the sun and reflect it into one of the Palace windows .
27 These committed groups , or a committee to represent them , could appoint the auditors and receive their report .
28 Cos she was trying to find a , a reason or an excuse to sue them for it .
29 Not a bit what Owen had in mind , but since the unions had neither the resources nor the will to use them , the revolution did not come at all .
30 He then went on to attack Fields over the proliferation of licence applications to the CAA ( for routes that included Perth , Port Stanley , Barbados and Toronto ) which made Virgin look ‘ absurd ’ , when the airline had neither the planes to fly those routes , nor the finances to acquire them .
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