Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] they [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They are except for they played the wr they played the sweep system .
2 Having done this … what was more natural than for them to invite the sister institution , with its professedly similar aims , to join them ?
3 So , what better way to impress your guests than for them to receive a beautifully crafted and colour themed wedding invitation designed exclusively for Wedding and Home readers .
4 The site at Jelling now consists of two turf mounds , and between them stand a stone church and the rune stones , the larger of which weighs nearly ten tons .
5 The chariot-teams stand quiet , attendants sitting or crouching around , and between them stand the principals : Oenomaus with his wife Sterope , Pelops with Hippodameia .
6 The purpose of this meeting would be for you to gain an insight into the qualities of the [ Name ] management and for them to gain an understanding of how you would propose to manage the group .
7 Around the simple plot of the search for Lata 's husband , Seth unfolds the story of four families , the Mehras , Kapoors , Chatterjis and Khans , and through them reveals a panorama of modern India .
8 Whilst you might use these behaviours and through them create an impression of being genuine , it will , of course , quickly be destroyed unless you do what you say you will do .
9 The routed forces stream back across the board and behind them follow the now-superior armies of the computer .
10 For certain it is that she did leave your enclave with my men , and with them took the road to Ramsey .
11 By contrast with what it saw as the corrosive and unbelieving spirit of the age , that movement was deeply concerned to recover and reinstate the ancient doctrines of the faith , especially the great dogmas hammered out in the early centuries ; and with them to restore the sense of continuity and rich unbroken tradition which found its expression especially in ritual and liturgy .
12 The reasons for violence were disappearing and with them went the appeal of films like Drive , He Said .
13 Its entrepreneurs ranged the globe and with them went the cadre of ( mostly British and Irish ) foremen , skilled workers and elite labour ; sometimes settling down in some foreign country for good , their children becoming the Anglo-Argentines of the next generation , sometimes moving from country to country like the much less numerous oilmen of our days .
14 Such blood , and the mud of Culloden , were the last Gaelic colours to fly over Scotland ; the clans looked straight into the mouths of Cumberland 's cannon and died , and with them expired a way of life — the Stewarts of Appin , and the Maclarens , and the Camerons , and the Atholl Brigade , and behind them Ogilvies , and behind them the prince himself .
15 and from them rose A cry that shiver 'd to the tingling stars .
16 Lying near it were some plates which had been washed and left to drain , and beside them stood the most delicate of porcelain cups .
17 In her mind 's eye she saw the assassin 's mouth open and close , and on them read the syllables of her name .
18 Formally the rulers were the Khedive and his ministers , mainly Turco-Circassian in origin , but behind them lay the real power of even more alien masters , the British under what had become known as the " veiled protectorate " .
19 My eyes are my most beloved possession — Take away not my eyes , if everything else crumbles to nothingness , The eyes are not only the windows of the soul but in them reflect the beauty of life .
20 But beyond them lies a more troubling general question .
21 erm And I think erm we 've got to obviously give them as much respect as possible , because for them to reach the semi-final , the same as us erm they obviously erm have got some useful players .
22 The first GCE O and A level examinations were held in 1951 ( S levels were at that time an essential part of the system as well , since on them depended the award of State scholarships to university candidates , before the days of Mandatory awards ) .
23 Moreover , advancing west and northwest respectively , as the two armies were , produced a potentially calamitous separation of the two forces , for between them lay the Masurian Lakes , a complex of waters stretching some 80km/50mls north to south .
24 This , it seems , was a widely held assumption : ‘ If the yeomanry of England were not , in time of war we should be in shrood case ; for in them standeth the chief defence of England . ’
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