Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] he [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 After hearing the boy 's story of how he had been ‘ neglected and abused ’ by his mother Rachel , judge Thomas Kirk told him he could be adopted by his foster parents George and Lizabeth Russ .
2 There seems every reason to believe those 1917 recollections in which Chaplin spoke of how from the moment that he had first seen the light of Brixton he was aware that ‘ unkind fate must have struck his knife unto me ’ and of how he had been ‘ through more hardships and downright poverty than one per cent of the world 's worst Jonahs can tell of ’ .
3 Thus that dappled skin , peeled from a mutant , both reminded him of how he had been orphaned and reproached him too .
4 Sometimes in the middle of a celebration , Christmas or Easter , she would think of him and the knowledge of how he had been murdered would cast a shadow over everything .
5 He choked back the tears and shook as he told of how he 'd been driving along the road when steam started coming out of the bonnet .
6 He also had to be reminded to write to her , which he did ( in later years ) about every six weeks , just a dutiful account of where he had been , what he had done , with little of his usual animation .
7 In the lounge , Willis and Hemmings were listening to George 's account of where he had been on the nights of the murders and the disappearance .
8 Drinking off the last of the wine and moving on to the coffee he finally managed to confront himself with the question of why he had been so slow to begin .
9 It seemed pretty much like where he 'd been before .
10 That would n't be easy ; even now he was beginning to remember what it had been like when he 'd been small and afraid of the dark , unable to sleep without a nightlight .
11 Naylor Massingham had not been the easiest of people to deal with when he 'd been in her home ; how would she fare now that she was , so to speak , on his territory ?
12 The litigation involving the late ex-President Marcos of the Philippines [ see pp. 36428 ; 36893 ] suggested that such immunity did not apply to a former head of state particularly when it was specifically waived by the country from whence he had been deposed .
13 How Chant had longed then to return to the ether from where he 'd been summoned ; to shrug off the body which Sartori had congealed around him , and be gone out of this Dominion .
14 ‘ Party , party , ’ she yelled out to break the spell and Hosanna ran from where he had been sitting watching her .
15 He made his way easily to the door and was about to close it when he caught sight of something tucked into the corner of the car between two wooden containers , out of sight from where he had been sitting earlier .
16 Behind him she was vaguely aware of Jim Lewis grinning as he uncoiled his tall frame from where he had been half sitting on the edge of the table .
17 Erin kicked Khaur over to where he 'd been told to sit when the pilot first landed at the burrow to ferry them back to headquarters .
18 Some time later , she made her way back to where he had been sitting .
19 All the same , he wished he 'd paid a little more attention to what had gone on when he 'd been leaving the depot so that he could have spotted when they carried out that trick with the form he was supposed to have dropped .
20 In America , with the Harveys , it somehow had not mattered ; nor had they been in the least concerned about how he had been raised , judging him for what he was now .
21 Erm the other thing that , that I could n't quite hear but I thought when you were asking him about where he 'd been with the navy , I thought he said to the Far East unfortunately .
22 He was very pragmatic about why he had been drawn to cinema ‘ I came into films not because I wanted to make films .
23 Just as well someone had rung Catherine half an hour ago , or they 'd both still have been asleep , and he would have had difficult questions to answer in the morning about why he had been , uncharacteristically , out of touch with everyone since leaving Yeo Davis at six .
24 He was a hard worker , but Jane marvelled at how he had been able to build up a business while remaining practically unintelligible .
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