Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 ( thanking me for my congratulations on her beautiful master-piece ) : ‘ It is hopeless the way life has to change , and become less than life .
2 Very nice to be able to step out of used underwear and know it would be laundered and returned to its drawer pressed and scented , even better never to have to worry about clearing a table or washing up , but nevertheless there was something vaguely disconcerting about maids who went silently , sneakily about their duties under her very nose .
3 Lawyers are also more familiar with the Commissioner and are more frequently pointing clients with complaints about their unions in her direction .
4 Mostly she wrote about her feelings about her body and her recent acknowledgement to herself that she was suffering from anorexia .
5 Alexandra bought herself stout countrywomen 's boots in Bodmin and found a dressmaker who would copy Mrs McPhee in thick , practical tweed for her forays around her yard and fields .
6 And the overjoyed youngster was swept off her feet by her favourite royal .
7 Elaine patted her straight blonde hair into place , wiping fuchsia lipstick off her teeth with her tongue before turning to Christina .
8 ‘ as if I 've got such important things to do tomorrow morning , ’ Jo grumbled through her giggles in her own voice .
9 I wept when Smike died in the television play , and I recall an incident of a nine-year-old girl turning to a particular page of Black Beauty , crying bitterly and explaining through her tears to her grandmother , ‘ It 's so s-a-d ! ’
10 My girlfriend had put her handbag between her feet under her chair so that no one could pinch it .
11 At weekends she 's out with her husband or preparing something for their friends in her new kitchen with its microwave , food processor and dishwasher to take the strain .
12 They wanted military bases for their soldiers in her country and she did not want them .
13 Then she would search for the flea , going along the seams of my clothes with her thumbnail until it jumped .
14 This one here has really dropped the whole of my particulars on her own !
15 With a feeling of great cold , almost of terror , she turned away from them , brushing a spray of their petals from her coat .
16 She picked up the ivory-handled shaving brush which rested next to them , and felt the softness of its bristles against her face .
17 It charts the artist 's career from her highly accomplished art school pieces she received the full encouragement of her parents in her chosen career while her early self portraits demonstrate an artist fully aware of her own powers and potential .
18 She tapped the arm of her glasses against her teeth and watched Jinny with sharp , pale blue eyes .
19 Paige snapped the locks on her case and put the remainder of her possessions into her shoulder-bag .
20 It was a measure of Cecilia 's character that , unlike most people , she experienced no schadenfreude about this , felt no secret pleasure in the superiority of her circumstances over her friend 's , but sincerely regretted Daphne 's inferior home and reduced income .
21 She passed the streamer to another woman who did the same and each woman who received it made a statement of her sorrow , culminating with a young woman who spoke , with tears running down her face , of her fears for her children .
22 In spite of her fears for her health , she was remarkably energetic ( she climbed the Matterhorn at the age of forty-eight ) .
23 A Darlington woman yesterday spoke of her fears for her family stuck in the middle of the riots .
24 She was also absolutely open and honest ; her integrity blazed through all the details of cranky behaviour which the execution of her principles in her daily life demanded of her .
25 The committee was largely made up of Roman catholic clergy , and they clearly opposed the appointment on the grounds that a protestant could not be trusted to safeguard the catholic morals of her charges in her purchase and loaning of books .
26 After a while the worst of her panic subsided , her sniffles died away , and she gulped and rubbed the tips of her fingers over her wet cheeks .
27 Carrie leaned back in her chair and rubbed the tips of her fingers across her forehead as she stared down at the mass of papers on the kitchen table .
28 A burning blush poured up from the pit of her loins into her breast , throat and face .
29 The little girl persuaded her mother to share some of her memories of her dancing life , though in secret from Sam : and it was not long before Marjorie inevitably developed an ambition to become a Tiller Girl herself .
30 He could still see her quite clearly , the outline of her legs , the soft rise and fall of her breasts with her gentle breathing , the way she looked at him , like a rabbit with a rattlesnake , half afraid and yet too fascinated to run .
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