Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] way to be " in BNC.

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1 They certainly will not go out of their way to be critical — and if they do they are not worth knowing in the first place !
2 A physiotherapist recalled : ‘ They were n't obstructive , but they did n't go out of their way to be helpful either . ’
3 Even if there is a special sense in which cows are ‘ friends ’ of grasses , natural selection does not favour individual grass plants that go out of their way to be eaten by cows !
4 All Banks are now going out of their way to be as professional as possible and as customer friendly as that professionalism will allow .
5 … She went out of her way to be unpleasant to people .
6 Mrs. Mott went out of her way to be courteous to Sara as though sorry for the initial error she had made .
7 I knew he could withdraw , but he went out of his way to be rude .
8 Indeed , it seemed to her that he now went out of his way to be pleasant and , on her part , she was ‘ no longer afraid of him ’ .
9 Last week , by coincidence , the Labour leader a man , it is widely believed went out of his way to be pictured with a particular group of parliamentary candidates .
10 There were pictures in one of Gloria 's magazines of the decorated carriage Pulled by plumed horses that Her Majesty had travelled in before she became Her Majesty the Queen , when she was still just a Lady , on her way to be married .
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