Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] way [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They moved on quickly , for they would have to retrace part of their way to make Ivrigar before nightfall .
2 They say they go out of their way to avoid trouble , having left a bar in Haymarket earlier in the evening because there was a group that seemed intent on a fight , swearing and pushing their way through to the bar .
3 Indeed , at times she even seemed to go out of her way to draw attention to herself .
4 And she went out of her way to praise artist David Hankinson as she unveiled his painting of her in fairy-tale pink gown complete with tiara , pearl drop earrings and gold watch .
5 She found the crew very friendly , and the skipper went out of his way to dance attendance on her .
6 He went out of his way to spend time with unpopular , even hated people — like Zacchaeus .
7 He was ‘ self-confident , firm in his views , ’ and went out of his way to take charge of patients ' care , said counsel .
8 What , thus , may we infer exactly from Johnson 's remark that he would go two miles out of his way to meet Monboddo ?
9 Indeed , Branson had often gone out of his way to avoid newspaper or television interviews .
10 The Profitboss goes out of his way to discourage report-writing : to do so he will go out of his way to walk the patch and give ( or obtain ) thirty-second verbal reports .
11 Aware of the concern felt by many in his audience of European parliamentarians about the potential power of a united Germany , Mr Shevardnadze went out of his way to express agreement with President Franois Mitterrand that ‘ no European country can act without due regard for the European balance , without taking into account the interests of others and the existing historical situation that resulted from the second world war ’ .
12 More importantly still , the influential Finance Minister , Pierre Bérégovoy , has repeatedly gone out of his way to express interest in the British proposals , emphasising that the French view is closer to the British than to the German .
13 We have a Mother and Baby Room and try to go out of our way to make life easy . ’
14 The earliest recorded raid took place in 895 , when a Danish force on its way to lay siege to Exeter was heavily beaten in an attack on Chichester , losing a great part of its numbers .
15 Police believe the Sierra may have been on its way to take part .
16 Bob Stonehouse , JSPRS , took the photograph of WL747 flying along the coastline near Episkopi on its way to say goodbye to the RAF and to join WL757 at Paphos .
17 A few reassurances later and she was on her way to do battle at the bridge table .
18 Retired school secretary Anne Stern , 73 , was on her way to spend Thanksgiving with relatives when two shabbily-dressed youths pulled in front of her and began trying to force her off the road .
19 ‘ All the same , ’ he said , when the spring buds burst on the seven trees that grew in Mafeking Street , along which Wendy had once half-run , half-walked , on her way to give birth to Apricot , ‘ it would be nice to be somewhere different , just for a time , just for a couple of weeks . ’
20 The 26-year-old woman was on her way to start work at 8.30 last night when , for no apparent reason , a man lashed at her face in the lift at Walton Hospital , Liverpool .
21 Janice , 26 , was on her way to start work at 8.30 last night when she was attacked for no apparent reason .
22 He watched them rushing through Calais on their way to pay court to Napoleon ( Sonnet : ‘ Is it a reed that 's shaken by the wind ’ ) , and decided , since he regarded the French leader as a despot and a menace to free institutions , that the only course open was to support that party in England which wanted to continue the war , namely the Tories .
23 Raymond Sharrock was driving his wife , Sheila and their grand-daughter Sian , along Child 's Way in Milton Keynes on their way to deliver birthday presents to their youngest daughter .
24 ‘ Charlie , yer best call in at the police station on yer way to work tomorrer mornin' . ’
25 Legend has it that Oliver Cromwell on his way to lay siege to Middleton Hall during the Civil War found the old packhorse bridge too narrow for his cannons and wagons and so had the bridge widened .
26 But neither of them saw Captain Meredith coming from the opposite direction on his way to visit Lawyer Loveitt , and he failed to see them as he crossed into Frog Lane seconds after they had left it .
27 On Sunday afternoons the Vicar of Askrigg used to pass Semerwater on his way to take evensong in his other parish of Stalling Busk , and he often thought how pleasant it would be to hold an open air service on the shores of the lake .
28 Now , in a mood of heady exhilaration , a delicious scenario flashed in his mind ; the school drop-out , on his way to take delivery of his own Jumbo Jet , literally dropping back in during a First XI cricket match with two of the most celebrated test cricketers in the world in tow .
29 If you 've kept up with all the above tasks you 're well on your way to total fluency with pentatonics .
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