Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun] to what " in BNC.

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1 But it is not easy to do this without becoming crude , and , since the art appeals principally for its sensitiveness to what it is mocking , crudity has the effect of alienating those readers the pastiche should most attract .
2 When he went to Waitrose to buy the food for their contribution to what everyone in the street was calling ‘ Donald 's funeral breakfast ’ Henry spent hours browsing through the domestic cleaners , all of which sounded pretty lethal .
3 But Mr Kilfoyle told the health boss : ‘ Your colleagues if not yourself will be well aware of my opposition to what the Regional Health Authority is doing on behalf of the most despised government in living memory .
4 Whereas contemporary French Catholic institutions devoted only one-sixth of their curriculum to what might be termed science , Ramus allocated a half , praising the value of the mechanical arts .
5 The disadvantage is that the individual councillor , if he is a member of such a group , may be required to sub-ordinate what he considers to be in the best interests of his electors to what his group so consider .
6 You will also be held in respect of any particular area of your breakdown to what you have put in your original letter .
7 I found this section , number three , of particular interest because surely it 's dealing with the very kernel of our relationship to what we call in language that ought to be so real and preserved from romanticism , the body of Christ membership limbhood branchship , whatever you want to call it , if whether you take your figure from John fifteen or from the Apostle .
8 They stood with their backs to what turned out to be a mud-built shack on the left .
9 It was the tragic irony of Fate that , because of the terms of reference to which de Castelnau had committed him in advance , this uniquely humanitarian general would be called upon to subject the men under his command to what was shortly to become the most inhuman conflict of the whole war .
10 But do n't despair if you have n't the time to volunteer because some of the most important ways to be more ‘ Green ’ are concerned with your attitude to what you buy at home , in the office , for the kids , for friends , to eat etc …
11 I 've been a soldier myself , I was a soldier a long long time ago and er er training was different in my day to what it is today .
12 It is difficult to see through the vagueness now surrounding the Government 's plans , but it is clear that ministers were both unprepared and unco-ordinated in their response to what MPs across the political divide detected as the stench of injustice .
13 When Jesus met his disciples after the resurrection " he opened their minds to understand the scriptures " , by relating what they read in their Bibles to what was happening around them .
14 The less agreeable side of Mathilde 's nature revealed itself in her tendency to what the French call l'esprit démolisseur , a sort of wilful destructiveness , which led her to become a focus for the intellectually disaffected during the Empire .
15 She alerts the reader in her introduction to what she finds offensive in these genteel concoctions of tea and adultery : … if a comic charlady obtrudes upon the action of a real novel , I will fling the novel against the wall amidst a flood of obscenities because the presence of such a character as a comic charlady tells me more than I wish to know about the way her creator sees the world .
16 In the early stages there was anxiety and anger within the Tory machine that the campaign was too flat and unfocused in its response to what was perceived as a dangerous Labour push .
17 As in other matters , he showed that typical combination of simultaneous indecision and dogmatic self-assertion in his approach to what became the ‘ Civic Centre ’ of Bucharest .
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