Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 The research of Rowe and Lambert ( 1973 ) undoubtedly led to a major reform in child care policy and practice by documenting through its research findings the plight of children in care , of whom more than 50 per cent were accommodated in residential settings .
2 Bog myrtle ( Myrica gale ) Roid , sometimes rendered as is the badge of the Clan MacArthur ; and the MacDonalds and MacAlisters have for their clan badges the heather , already mentioned for its great versatility .
3 The head of an agency can not typically ensure that his subordinates behave in a way that is exactly specified ; he can only design a policy to which they respond , and his perception of their response shapes the design .
4 When the Athenaeum Club disposed of its economics books the inscribed copies from the great Victorian economists were no doubt the first to find a new home .
5 It is an integral part of modern culture that it is simply not possible to envisage a model of freedom , including that abstraction needed for the achievement of equality , which would not have as one of its component parts the tendency towards alienation .
6 Under the influence of its Enlightenment men the American constitution may formally be secularist , but the history of America demonstrates that it is the most religious continent in the Western world .
7 ‘ Have you gone speechless on me again ? ’ he murmured tauntingly as Cavell Fielding came forward from the restaurant 's extravagantly decorative entrance opposite them , a slight widening of her sapphire eyes the only surprise she evinced at seeing them together .
8 Properly planned , each allocation will provide a new sort of experience , and by making full use of her learning opportunities the student will gain in knowledge , ability and confidence .
9 Are many of our women politicians the little girls who refused to recognise the unwelcome fact that they lacked a penis and , defiantly rebellious , exaggerated their masculinity … ?
10 Marketmakers are able to claim against their tax liabilities the full amount of any trading losses made by buying stock cum dividend and then selling it ex-dividend regardless of the interval between purchase and resale .
11 Years later , I still discuss with my university students the important lessons I learned from the forest while a young boy .
12 So the dancer is filmed against a plain background , generally a blue screen , since this contrasts well with her flesh tones The costume designer would therefore exclude blue from his/her range of colours Two black-and-white strips are then prepared .
13 If on the other hand the signalling cells grew into such a shape that they could come into direct contact with their target organs the chemical signal could be discharged directly at site across the ‘ synaptic ’ gap between the cells .
14 With his opening salvos the anti-pluralist has , if anything , merely forced his opponent to modify his own position somewhat , not to abandon it .
15 Sec. should always be aware of the ramifications of his feedback network , and should instil into his committee members the imperative need for sustained communication with the source of origin — the officials of the committee .
16 P P G three , the revised P P G three when it came out clearly , in my opinion changes the emphasis from the draft P P G three from the draft P P G three , paragraphs thirty two and thirty three which I would emphasize should to be read together , clearly indicates that new settlements are as someone said this morning , sorry , earlier in the discussion today , an issue of last resort .
17 Most men are taught to seek in their working lives the sense of purpose , of meaning and of self-respect that women seek in personal relationships .
18 In their tomb portrayals the deceased are always seen as young and fit , the image of eternal youth .
19 A one-way system meant that out of season hold-ups were rare , but in the peak summer months when the holidaymakers poured in by the dozens in their hire cars the village often became jammed .
20 Simultaneously the Mercure de France published in its October issues the letters of-Cézanne to Emile Bernard , including the letter which contains the passage : ‘ Allow me to repeat what I said to you here : deal with nature in terms of the cylinder , the sphere , the cone , all seen in perspective , so that each side of an object or plane is directed towards a central point .
21 In its discussion papers the Bank explicitly avoided reference to any minimum capital requirements .
22 The hypothesis appears to be that we have inherited from our animal ancestors the habit of discrimination , but have added an additional criterion , namely the conscious calculation of relatedness , to the criteria of propinquity , and perhaps physical and biochemical similarity , used by animals .
23 The next morning I looked out of the window of my warm bedroom into the backyard and saw a child enter the open gate from the garden , look cautiously round , lift the lid from an over-flowing garbage can and quickly and efficiently pick out the scraps of bread and other left-overs from our supper tables the previous night .
24 In our project schools the library is no longer isolated , a semi-relevant facility , respected but not used .
25 For example , in May 1984 , CCOO recommended to its train drivers the ‘ exhaustive examination of all the equipment of the vehicle , noting all anomalous situations in the incident book … ( and ) in the event of atmospheric conditions ( fog , snow , rain , etc. ) , a considerable reduction in the speed of the train' .
26 In addition to its research activities the department plays host to many visiting scholars and speakers .
27 Whatever the legal position , Lord Haw-Haw had seemed to his wartime listeners the perfect incarnation of Hitler 's Englishman .
28 The clothes were a prop and according to his club mates the money was made of carefully clipped strips of newspaper .
29 We bring to our working relationships the same potential for disordered conduct as we bring to any other area of our lives .
30 The 1990s provide a great opportunity for Her Majesty 's Government to demonstrate to our Community partners the validity of the new hybrid approach that the Government have pioneered .
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