Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] she [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Unsure of whether she does owe him an explanation , of how much of her perspective she can get across in a conversation , and unwilling to let go of the London Kate who has broken through to the surface , she is ashamed of her suspicions of his reasons for asking her back to his place and agrees .
2 I had sent her a copy of my memoir , but her noncommittal letter of thanks had given no indication of whether she had read it .
3 ‘ What about if she does say no and sticks to it , finally ? ’ said Dionne .
4 She used passionate verbs such as ‘ adore ’ and ‘ detest ’ , as if she wished to proclaim her readiness to fight for every one of those five strokes , for every one of those five points .
5 I looked towards the chateau entrance and saw Queen Poison , dreadful as an army in battle array , sweep towards me across the lowered drawbridge , arms extended as if she wished to clasp me to her deceitful bosom .
6 Unfortunately , ’ she added , with a quick look round as if she thought to check whether anyone might hear , ‘ Sir John 's partiality for Benedict extended also to his mother . ’
7 She could not refuse him , accordingly , and did not ; but more and more it was almost as if she had given in to Mr Poole 's demands ; one man was much like another .
8 She felt as if she had given her last performance .
9 The bounce went out of her as if she had burst .
10 ‘ Respect for the dead , ’ he said , speaking to Carrie quite angrily , as if she had questioned this action .
11 Lori seemed to shudder right through to her very bones ; then it was as if she had shaken off a darkness that had possessed her for too long .
12 But when Felicity arrived , three days later , it seemed at first glance as if she had lost every atom of her old charm .
13 Sometimes , as Harriet went about her days , inwardly sorrowing but outwardly self-controlled , she felt as if she had lost both a husband and a daughter .
14 She sounded sad and resigned as if she had lost something .
15 He was so surprised that he let her go , as if she had cut herself free of him .
16 He pondered the question , as if she had posed it seriously , then he leant forward and whispered conspiratorially .
17 Pushing Charlotte home in the dusk , she felt rather exhilarated , as if she had made a discovery .
18 It was as if she had made her decision , her momentous decision to marry , sleepwalking .
19 as if she had heard her , Agnes swallowed the spirit , only immediately to splutter and choke and cough .
20 She looked as if she had heard a lot more , but was too tactful to say so .
21 She was n't saying anything , but Ma smiled at her as if she had done something very clever .
22 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
23 Her face was turned away , as if she had seen something out of the corner of her eye .
24 The cream stucco on the houses — the imposing pillared porches with their black-and-white tiled steps ; she felt as if she had seen it all before in a dream .
25 He had assumed , discriminated , made her feel as if she had to apologise for the way she lived her life , when he knew nothing , nothing of her circumstances or her reasons .
26 It was n't as if she had searched for it , determined to see what lay behind the forever locked door .
27 This state she spontaneously pictured as if she had become small , about the size of a jar of marmalade ( this image appeared with a kind of authority ) and had put herself away in a small square recess in a wall , just large enough to hold her .
28 It was as if she had accepted the fact that her mother had gone out of her life and that her future lay with this big fat woman , who alternately yelled and cajoled , and the nice man called Ben .
29 She began to pour the tea and when she had finally finished and sat down felt as if she had run the London Marathon .
30 ‘ What 's wrong , Dana ? ’ she asked , feeling as if she had run a mile instead of just a few feet .
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