Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] most [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We have shown that TCR -β rearrangement or , more likely , expression of a functionally rearranged TCR -β gene , is not only necessary but also sufficient for driving most of the immature IL-2R-positive DN thymocytes to the DP stage and for expanding the pool of thymocytes .
2 After eating most of the load the method is wonderful and wholeheartedly recommended .
3 After trimming most of the meat away , the bones will make marvellous stock or soup .
4 But he gave the all clear after testing most of the track in the post lunch stroll .
5 They returned early and , after sending most of the major labels running for their blessed chequebooks , signed to EMI .
6 After harvesting most of the crop is stored in large storage buildings and gradually , over the winter and spring months , the potatoes are graded and released for sale .
7 So at last I was to savour the delights of staging at Rutbah Wells fort and , after travelling most of the daylight hours from Baghdad , it was bliss to get into the fort with all its comforts .
8 Jim Thomas , chief Ford negotiator for the MSF , said he was ‘ bemused ’ that Ford was taking a tough line after achieving most of the 2,200 job losses wanted .
9 Rather , I settle for a balanced , rounded style of dressing most of the time , more Dougie Heywood than Tommy Nutter .
10 We took his four- poster bed down that he wanted taking down that he cherished for some peculiar reason , and then we moved all the other bits of furniture , and as we w were sort of getting most of the furniture out of the first bedroom he said Do n't forget the loft will you ?
11 What emerged over the first half of the century was a financial system which , if limited by comparison with what was to develop over the next two centuries , was capable of mobilising substantial funds and of providing most of the essential services needed by a diversifying economy growing both in output and in sophistication .
12 Now down into crawler gear he pushes on , finding regular protection by the simple expedient of removing most of the ice !
13 That is deflecting from your main purpose of persuading most of the people present to accept your case .
14 After an early life of sailing most of the seven seas , John built himself a 45ft ( 13.7m ) clipper-bowed ketch and named her Outward Bound .
15 I believe all doctors and nurses using these units are more than capable of managing most of the diabetic problems .
16 One way of avoiding most of the problems associated with legislative guide-lines , while still ensuring a reasonable degree of control over the way sentencers exercise their discretion , would be to hand over the task of preparing the guide-lines to an independent sentencing commission or council , of the kind proposed by Ashworth ( 1993a : 447 , 1997 : 91 ) .
17 More hearteningly it showed that teasing seemed to decrease as pupils got to know each other better as classmates , and despite the possibility of teasing most of the children interviewed welcomed the social breadth of the integrated setting .
18 The prince has come in for a lot of criticism from the UN and the West for spending most of the past few months in China .
19 Perhaps he hated her for inheriting most of the Havisham fortune .
20 These instruments then provide a pseudo-scientific basis for giving most of the educational goodies to the few who can ‘ benefit ’ from them .
21 Seasoning consists in removing most of the water in a controlled way : essentially it is a drying operation and nothing more .
22 The Heilbron Committee 's endorsement of the decision , together with that of the National Council for Civil Liberties and the Criminal Bar Association , had succeeded in removing most of the opposition to it .
23 She has a greyness under her eyes and a slouch from spending most of the day on her feet .
24 By discussion , planning and reviewing the achievements together , the worker was able to ensure that Mr Munro kept some hold on the situation , even though she acted as his agent to a large extent in undertaking most of the tasks .
25 So far as the debt was concerned , the first success was in converting most of the short-term , high-interest credit which had stemmed from the wartime issue of government bills to a funded 5 per cent stock in 1784 – 5 .
26 Merseyside Labour MPs yesterday accused the Jockey Club of ‘ class bias ’ and ‘ elitism ’ in pinning most of the blame on the £5-a-race flagman .
27 Merseyside Labour MPs yesterday accused the Jockey Club of ‘ class bias ’ in pinning most of the blame on the £5-a-race flagman .
28 With the uncertainty about oil prices and the expense of both gas and electricity , many people are opting for wood-burning stoves These have long been a favourite in Northern Europe and America , and they can be amazingly efficient in heating most of the house , quite apart from being decorative .
29 The institutions themselves succeeded in raising fifty per cent of the price of eleven out of the eighteen drawings and the support of the National Art Collections Fund , the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the Foundation for Sport and the Arts has been crucial in raising most of the remaining moneys required .
30 She supervised all embroidery orders ( carried out in the drawing-room of her home at 8 Hammersmith Terrace ) and from this time was responsible for creating most of the new designs used .
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