Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] her to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yet for the past two years , Zara has had almost inseparable on-court support from coach Michael Ferguson , who she warmly credits for bringing her to her current level .
2 He told Orchard , who had tickled and spanked the girl after enticing her to his flat : ‘ The prosecution accept , and I proceed on this basis , that your motive here was in no way sexual .
3 Adam escorted Elinor to the elevator ; after taking her to her bedroom , he intended to go to the beach for a swim .
4 He had this way of drawing her to him and she always seemed to go .
5 A group of Scots taken prisoner at Solway Moss , the earls of Glencairn and Cassillis , lords Fleming , Maxwell , Somerville and others , obtained their release and were sent back to Scotland when they signed a request to Henry that he should take Mary into his care , with the intention of marrying her to his son , the future Edward VI ; their offer that they would help to bring him to power in Scotland , should Mary die , was kept entirely secret .
6 The men who stopped her had done a lot of talking on their radio before taking her to their police station .
7 Moreover , by simply keeping her in their power they were holding all their options open and preventing Philip from marrying her to someone else and so forging a new alliance .
8 ‘ It 'll fade , ’ he said , ‘ it 'll soon be gone , ’ and kissed her again before leaving her to herself .
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