Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] to [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I am writing to let you know about the arrangements for returning to you those items from the SRO which were kindly lent to our Robert Adam exhibition , ‘ Monumental Reputation ’ .
2 This was a contentious issue , since the British , French and the Dutch had every intention of returning to their former territories , not comprehending the extent to which the Japanese had forced the pace of change .
3 In such cases the use of a professionally drafted memorandum of understanding to which all shareholders are party is recommended .
4 This uses the technically-defined Ocean as above , except that all the hiccups that interrupt the passage of its boundary have been removed by the relatively simple process of granting to it all of the so-called ‘ marginal seas ’ to which logic ( and political reality ) suggest it can lay claim .
5 Benjamin skipped lightly up the stairs but , instead of going to our own chamber , took me into Ruthven 's .
6 The sense of Britishness has been supplanted or supplemented by Scottish and Welsh nationalism ; the sense of identity with the nations of the United Kingdom is not felt so strongly by minorities in the population — Moslems from Pakistan and India , Afro-Caribbeans , Indians , Bangladeshis and others who experience discrimination in the British community while also experiencing a sense of belonging to their own religious and ethnic communities .
7 Now it was that I had a chance of discarding or of adapting to my own purpose the fine words and infinite variety of constructions which I had formerly admired from afar off and imitated in fairly cold blood .
8 The letters gave him the chance of ‘ discarding or of adapting to my own purpose the fine words and infinite variety of constructions which I had formerly admired from afar and imitated in fairly cold blood . ’
9 This is the point ( not self-advertisement — the book is out of print ) of referring to my own work in such detail , and it is one to which I shall return in discussing the treatment of anorexics , in particular their apparent imperviousness to psycho-analysis and their liability to relapse .
10 Yes , that was my husband 's way of proposing to me all those years ago and we have indeed watched many horror movies together since — but it was n't very romantic , was it ?
11 Even here , however , the separate heading is worth preserving , since modern style-studies can and do content themselves with the mere description of distinctive linguistic patterns , abstaining not only from relating them to external factors such as authors or literary movements , but also from attributing to them any specific literary function .
12 However , as it is the only qualification in this area , we have endless problems in discouraging people from attributing to it all sorts of accreditations for which it was not designed and have to point out that it does not qualify people to interpret , give advice or act on behalf of others .
13 To send her two young sons , Mathieu and Laurent , to sleep , Cécile de Brunhoff told them the story of a little elephant who left the forest to discover the town and learn the ways of men , before returning to his own idyllic land of the elephants to be crowned king .
14 The producers of all these programmes are inundated with cassette tapes from bands , so they may take some time before listening to them all .
15 He enlisted in the Life Guards in 1807 , and won renown for his exploits at the battle of Waterloo where he reputedly killed ten French soldiers before succumbing to his own many wounds .
16 Accordingly the law insists that a former employee can not be prevented from turning to his own account his professional skill and knowledge even though it may have been acquired whilst in employment and at the employer 's expense .
17 American research has been instructive and I survey this before moving to my own views .
18 Love was between a man and a woman , love was for marriage , and each would have died before admitting to anything more than they ‘ got on well ’ together .
19 The firm has scored a hit in adapting to its own computer a set of American software called Unix .
20 ‘ I have very great pleasure in introducing to you all Herr Eberhardt and his wife .
21 THE Princess of Wales has once more caused disquiet among fashion commentators by sticking to her own rules .
22 By sticking to his own basic beliefs about attitude and playing style .
23 To this end , unbeknown to the millions who have brought about the event , Jesus Christ has been cast in the role of a surrogate Created God , and by ascribing to him all that goodness that they wish to preserve , those who profess the Christian faith , have been doing just what the concept of the Created God requires , and what this book advocates , except that they have deified a single historical individual , Jesus Christ , instead of an abstract conception drawing its being from a myriad of sources .
24 But overall , it was by turning to their own bodies that women artists could free themselves from surrealist stereotypes .
25 By responding to your own learning needs rather than being expected to absorb blanket information as a group , you will be able to chart your own progress more accurately , develop and extend your interests and expertise , and research new materials as and when you feel the need .
26 By talking to him all night and keeping him on his feet , Luke had saved Spike 's life , only to have him try again successfully a week later when the story finally hit the press .
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