Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] that she have " in BNC.

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1 She moved back a step , after discovering that she 'd unknowingly moved closer to him than was socially acceptable .
2 She had been studying for her A levels however when , after discovering that she had smuggled a pining and off-his-food spaniel up to her bedroom to sleep one night , her father had put some of her own recent doubts into words .
3 This was no credit to her own piety — but what was the use of pretending that she had any piety left ?
4 To my utter surprise , Arune went home after one evenings viewing and produced the V-neck sweater with patterning that she had seen on the Video !
5 Thus I deceived her into thinking that she had scared me , and that I would take the necessary steps to ward off fatality .
6 Just in time she stopped herself from confiding that she 'd almost forgotten how to dance .
7 Deliberately , he refrained from remarking that she had called him by his Christian name for the first time .
8 But why should it be that Peggy gets a lift from knowing that she has ‘ beaten ’ Boris ?
9 She persevered for fifty pages before admitting that she had n't taken in a word .
10 Once again , she refrained from mentioning that she had asked them to keep the baby in the nursery as his presence in the room was upsetting her .
11 Broadcast on November 23rd , 1982 , the Play for Today , ‘ John David ’ was meticulously balanced in its depiction of the true life dilemma facing the author of the play , Paula Milne , on discovering that she had given birth to a child with Down 's Syndrome .
12 But Georgie then pulled a master-stroke by revealing that she had a talent for automatic writing .
13 He would not report her fate to the Police , and he could divert enquiries by saying that she had gone to friends in the country .
14 Clara had actually heard one constant church attender , caught out donating a small charitable sum to the Vicar , defend herself to Mrs Maugham by saying that she had n't really meant to give it , and that she never would have given it if it had n't been that her little boy had just given up Sunday school .
15 Then she took me to the centre by saying that she had asked my husband and had given permission .
16 what she 'd collected by saying that she has n't really gone to any
17 Treitel ( 8th ed. ) , p. 87 says of Ward v. Byham : ‘ One basis of the decision is that the mother had provided consideration by showing that she had made the child happy , etc. : in this way she can be said to have conferred a factual benefit on the father , even though she may not have suffered any detriment . ’
18 having found themselves for no good reason sitting together : Liz and Alix discovered that both came from Yorkshire , and that neither played lacrosse , nor had ever seen it being played , and Esther joined the discussion by volunteering that she had herself managed to avoid playing netball for the past three years on the grounds that she was too small .
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