Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [pn reflx] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We need the discipline of opening ourselves up to compassion .
2 We need the discipline of opening ourselves up to compassion .
3 This deed somehow necessitated a second manoeuvre , that of picking myself up off the floor .
4 ENGLAND 'S players will be denied the chance of pumping themselves up by singing the national anthem on the pitch before Saturday 's Test against South Africa at Twickenham .
5 I was due to learn the trade from start to finish with the with the idea of getting myself up to getting on the road .
6 And yet the drama lies in this , wrote Harsnet , that perhaps the Bride really wishes to remain only a bride , at the moment of her bridity , and the bachelors only bachelors , at the moment of their bachelorhood , dangling together like pegs on a line , boys together at eternal stag party , as the bride a virgin forever in her dream of giving herself up to something else , crossing the threshold to another existence .
7 ‘ So it was all set up , and your father 's known habit of shutting himself up with his scripts made the deception all the easier .
8 The prospect of setting yourself up for this job is far more daunting than the actual work , and once you have overcome the inertia of thinking it out and making a start , the results more than justify the effort .
9 All the same , she realised she had to earn a living to support herself and Matt , and hit upon the idea of setting herself up as a hairdresser .
10 It was a way of working herself up to full ferocity .
11 ‘ I do n't want to make a big thing about holing myself up in the middle of nowhere , but people are asking me where I 've been and I ca n't really say I 've been touring the Far East or helping Bob ( we think he means Dylan — Ed ) with his album .
12 Thus Aintree 's recall man for the past seven years became the sacrificial offering so that the Jockey Club bigwigs could get on with more important business like tarting themselves up for Ascot and tea with the Royals .
13 Nor do I feel like setting myself up as an Aunt Sally just waiting for all those girls to throw themselves at me in the attempt to knock me off my perch ! ’
14 Unfortunately for his cause he succeeded in alienating many of the gentry who might otherwise have supported him and in tying himself up in the increasingly convoluted legal knots with which the later Tudors sought to define their rights .
15 ‘ I promise you that we will have a long talk — and sort out everything between us , once and for all , ’ he murmured , burying his face in her blonde hair for a moment , before raising himself up on an elbow to gaze down at her lovely face .
16 In its report on community care funding , the committee expressed grave concerns about the ability of SSDs to record unmet need without opening themselves up to judicial review .
17 " Returnees " were told that they would be well treated on giving themselves up to the local authorities .
18 Assess the ‘ crime ’ without beating yourself up with knowledge of your past bad record .
19 So , in JUST LIKE A WOMAN ( Cert 15 ; General ) , it 's a bit of a relief when Gerald ( Adrian Pasdar ) finally admits he gets his kicks out of dressing as a woman — and proves the point by making himself up into the gorgeous Geraldine in front of her .
20 An 'A'-Level Art student has invented a new style of sculpture … by wrapping himself up in chicken wire .
21 The windows up here were waist-high , but very deep , and she found that by lifting herself up into the actual narrow embrasure , and leaning precariously forward , she could get a limited view of the clearing below .
22 Some caterpillars manage to startle their attackers by raising themselves up like small snakes .
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