Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [pron] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 he advanced above three hundred debased field negroes who had never before moved without the whip to a state resembling that of contented , honest and industrious servants and after paying them for their labour , tripled the annual neat [ sic ] clearance of his Estate .
2 If you used floats on your model during the initial learning period and have since removed them , it would be well worth replacing them for your first circuits .
3 The trial judge directed the jury if at the time he collected the coins the defendant had formed the dishonest intention of keeping them for himself he was guilty of theft .
4 Perhaps now is an opportunity of thanking everyone for their generosity and to say how greatly I know it is appreciated by the charities and organizations concerned .
5 That this ‘ slippage ’ is so slight is due to the fact that the other Enterprise staff have worked a great deal of extra time and taken on extra responsibilities and I take this opportunity of thanking them for their hard work and support during this period .
6 ‘ Do n't dare accuse me of wanting him for his money again ! ’ she shouted , suddenly losing control .
7 He accused her of blaming him for his failure to return with Oreste when , if anyone was to blame other than her sister Ellen , it was she herself .
8 In an exchange of views in the weekly popular magazine Ogonek in November and December Kharchev accused officials from the CPSU and the State Security Committee ( Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti--KGB ) and Orthodox Church leaders of punishing him for his liberal stance on Soviet religious observance , and particularly on the status of the Uniate Church [ see below ] .
9 The right approach might possibly be along the lines of : ‘ How about the family closing ranks and getting together now that you need a little help ? ’ or ‘ Give us the pleasure of doing something for you for a change . ’
10 When you have n't got no one , you have to , sort of like find a way of doing it for yourself and it 's much harder .
11 Because what 's the point in doing no matter how good you think you 're doing , what 's the point of doing it for yourself in the living room , you want er everybody to listen to it .
12 The girl who earned her nickname by wrestling with an alligator who made the mistake of choosing her for his dinner , has added yet another incredible feat to her repertoire !
13 He was a strange man , still lonely in spite of taking her for his wife , and kept his own counsel , never discussing his thoughts with her , keeping his troubles deep , and always ensuring that she had whatever she needed .
14 LIFESPAN always uses the term Quality Assurance ( QA ) to mean the act of assessing something for its fitness for a specified purpose .
15 This speech style urged on little girls is , however , a way of preparing them for their subordinate place in adult society .
16 Of course he complained when he entered political writing instead of preparing himself for his poem .
17 Some time afterwards he chanced to see a hobby-horse being ridden along a nearby road , and was struck with the notion of making one for himself .
18 ‘ You 're a very brave girl ’ said Sir Benson , ‘ and I must think of some way of rewarding you for what you 've done . ’
19 Do n't worry about turning it for me
20 Not urgent , so I did n't think it worth waking you for it . ’
21 Lisa felt like slapping him for his sarcasm and his arrogance .
22 This does indeed seem like getting something for nothing , but is it really ?
23 First , most clients tell the solicitor what they want and he sets about getting it for them .
24 Begin with thanking me for him ; look at him as a person as important to me as you are . ’
25 It was of the two of us leaning up against the Arch of Titus in Rome — we had bullied some fellow tourist into taking it for us .
26 If a patient can not change position at will , the nurse becomes responsible for doing it for him .
27 And it is convenient to consider him as an entrepreneur even with respect to the resource he owns ( in the sense that , in using it for his own production process , rather than selling it at its market price to other producers , he is ‘ buying ’ it at an implicit cost ) .
28 If you 've done the business believe in paying you for it .
29 I have succeeded in completely bringing back into useful production the seven million unemployed who were so dear to all our own hearts , in keeping the German peasant on his soil despite all difficulties and in rescuing it for him , in attaining the renewed flourishing of German trade , and in tremendously promoting transportation .
30 These developed from the legal concept of ultra vires ( beyond the strength ) which , since the mid nineteenth century , had prohibited local councils from doing anything for which they could not show precise legal authority .
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