Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [conj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation ( GDFCF ) is defined in the National Accounts as ‘ expenditure on fixed assets ( buildings , plant and machinery , vehicles , etc. ) , either for replacing or adding to the stock of existing fixed assets ’ .
2 Notice is commonly given by a printed form obtainable from law stationers in duplicate ( the duplicate for receipting and return to you by the lessor 's solicitors as evidence that the covenant has been complied with ) .
3 To add to the problems , gas welding cylinders were in danger of exploding and had to be carried out by firemen and placed in water .
4 The figures represent the amount of fronting and raising to [ e ? ] of the vowel in words like pipe and line , the maximum score being 200 , which represents a large proportion of extremely non-standard realizations .
5 The index scores in table 5.2 show the amount of fronting and raising to [ e ? ] on a three-point scale of the vowel in words such as pipe and line .
6 Not only can responses be fixed in a way that reveals something of the foundations which underlie them but the method itself can also act as a catalyst for the kinds of looking that lead to increased perceptual awareness .
7 Instead of frowning while listening to your explanations he had nodded and smiled .
8 OUP has the Oxford Dictionary of Business English , but from the one page I have seen there is a high proportion of defining as opposed to explaining , as in ‘ AAR ( Against all Risks-insurance/shipping ) ’ .
9 The sorts of experiences that you then get people talking about is really well I 've learnt to stand up for myself for the first time , erm I now know what I want to do , I know who I am , erm projects where I 've been involved , where you get women saying things like well two years ago I would never have dreamt of going and talking to the Council about my house , or my children , or that I ca n't get a job because I ca n't get child care , and I would n't have dreamt of doing that and people who now say well now I can do that , I know that I can go and stand up for myself and stand up for what I think is right , just as well as my husband can .
10 Others may buy UnixWare with the intention of adding or upgrading to a NetWare network in the future .
11 Times of meals , flexibility about times of rising and going to bed .
12 From motherhood onwards , women are automatically slotted into the role of nurturing and tending to the needs of others .
13 True , he had become used to being interrupted — there were , in the category of interrupters , young feckless poets who thought nothing of calling and expecting to be subsidised without there being any thought of reimbursement .
14 But a nice idea , yeah , he 's saying before long tens of thousands of schools will have sprung up in the villages throughout the province erm and that , that basically the peasants like the old style schools which is basically a Chinese way of teaching as opposed to erm the education which the landlords received which is the foreign school and he 's saying how when he was a student erm you know he used to think that the foreign style schools were groovy er but has now realized that actually , you know , being , I mean
15 News film of the General Assembly disturbance shows much shouting and placard waving but nothing that comes near the sort of heckling and barracking to which present-day government ministers are regularly subjected in visits to the north of England !
16 is an externalist conception , because condition 4 is one which a might be entirely incapable of recognizing or pointing to when asked whether he does know that p .
17 It is important to remember that in defining the number of credits for each new qualification , SCOTVEC is not specifying the nature or duration of the programme of learning that needs to be undertaken .
18 We argued for a more discriminating balance of questions , statements and instructions ; for fewer pseudo-questions and more questions of a kind which encourage children to reason and speculate ; for more opportunities for children themselves to ask their own questions and have these addressed ; for oral feedback to children which without being negative is more exact and informative than mere praise ; for both questioning and feedback to strike a balance between the retrospective function of assessing and responding to what has been learned so far , and the prospective function of taking the child 's learning forward ; and for much more use to be made of structured pupil-pupil interaction both as a learning tool and as a means of helping teachers to function in a more considered manner and therefore more effectively .
19 Also join us on the Saturday evening for the simple , yet deeply satisfying activity of telling and listening to good stories .
20 One attribute of thinking as opposed to perception is that the evidence is relatively less complete , gaps have to be filled either within or beyond the available data .
21 Broad political support will not , of course , be won merely by appealing to the inherent rationality of planning as opposed to the profit-oriented allocation of resources .
22 Once aware of what the problems are , the nurse can help the patient to develop alternative ways of detecting and responding to hazards in the environment , thereby maintaining maximum independence for this AL .
23 When you are sleepy the muscles around your eyes relax and your vision may become blurred — remember what it is like sitting and listening to a boring speaker and how difficult it is to focus clearly upon him .
24 New tyres for both engine and tender have arrived from Belgium but are going off site for machining and fitting to the wheels .
25 I took the opportunity in the interval between speaking and listening to the Minister 's wind-up to consult ’ Erskine May ’ on the subject of changing Bills ' titles .
26 The sentence followed Poindexter 's conviction in a federal District Court on April 7 on all five felony counts ( including obstructing and lying to Congress ) arising from his role in the Iran-contra scandal [ see pp. 37368-69 ] .
27 The analysis of a remembered life , after all , or of the life around one , is continuous with living itself : with gossip heard and overheard , with unspoken thoughts , with watching and listening to friends or strangers .
28 This would also raise important questions regarding the policies and practices of institutions with regard to : selecting students , and ensuring that the selection procedures are appropriate in identifying students with the potential for success ; ensuring that they are adequately prepared for their course of study , and providing assistance where necessary through appropriate pre-entry provision ; supporting students during the time that they are in the institution , including ensuring that approaches to teaching and learning are appropriate as well as providing the study skills and counselling support required .
29 Apart from providing an opportunity for observing and talking to the patient , and thereby learning more about his problems and mental state , this initial period also has other purposes .
30 But what I am saying in context , no this has a deal to do with the co boundaries , as you know erm the honourable member well knows , the essence of this this is wholly inappropriate in terms of erm trying to latest citizenship through an arrangement of six additional boundaries into a erm union and a political state and I think that that is the profound objection that this side of the house has expressed over a long period of time now , is a reflection of the public mood in the country in respect of this election and the way the boundaries er are are erm apportioned and all I say in conclusion is that this is an evidence further of the irrelevance of this house in reflecting and attesting to public opinion outside .
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