Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [conj] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He is not obliged to deal with proofs lodged after the last date for proving but may do so if he thinks fit ( r 11.3(2) ) .
2 Voluntary work can provide a framework for job-seeking and will make a favourable impression at an interview .
3 Above all , resist the temptation to pan the camcorder back and forth , this terrible technique is known as hosepiping and will ruin any shot .
4 They allow for cross-referencing and can provide you with a ready guide to your goals and the tasks you need to do to carry them out .
5 He has a good eye for passing and can play with both feet ( sort of ) even though he is right footed .
6 She had just told him she was tired of waiting and would find someone else .
7 In creating one she has inadvertently made a move towards alternative methods of selling that could have great significance for organic farming .
8 Universal services would be available with a level of resourcing that would permit them to give appropriate support to individuals within a common overall structure .
9 If you are thinking of moving and would welcome a free market valuation , or if you would like to know more about this offer , simply complete the attached voucher and take it into your local Birmingham Midshires Property Services branch , or send it to us , FREEPOST , ( no stamp required ) .
10 ‘ Which is why you decided to try your hand at a kind of modelling that would pay better , ’ he said .
11 She argues for a study of reading that would work towards political ends and ‘ replace the mysterious objectives of aesthetic satisfaction and moral enrichment . ’
12 Encourage a love of reading that will last a lifetime
13 Yet despite admitting that would love to play for New Zealand , and that he had no intention of using his Scottish connections when he first came to play in Britain , McIntosh fiercely defends his right to play for Scotland .
14 You may believe , for example , that you have the right to speak your mind and from this will follow certain ways of behaving that will differ markedly from someone who believes they have the right to remain silent .
15 Once you feel like running and can do so without stiffness or pain , you can work gently back towards normal training , along the lines of the schedule .
16 She wished him goodbye , thanked him for coming and could see again the face of his wife on the only occasion she had met her : tight-lipped , unable to approve , fiercely loyal to John .
17 Namibia is particularly interesting because of its " desert " elephants and black rhinos , which have suffered a recent upsurge in poaching and may become even more vulnerable as the country moves towards independence . "
18 It was an object lesson in finishing that would have preyed on the minds of the Belgian team at half time as they reflected on an opening 45 minutes during which it seemed only a matter of time before they took the lead .
19 If the individual pupil is to be presented with opportunities for learning that will arouse his active response , the circumstances and the materials have to be judged with considerable care .
20 The Board claimed the crew of the liner , the world 's largest , and a harbour pilot made course changes without realising that would take the vessel over a shoal , marked by the crew as an area to avoid .
21 Now I can walk up hill without puffing and can bend down without grunting .
22 The fear for it is that it could easily be hurt without complaining and could suffer at the hands of careless children who would treat it too much like its namesake .
23 Poland did more than enough to win in every respect except finishing and must have regretted Dariusz Dziekanowski 's failure to beat Shiton with a header after half an hour .
24 She was used to travelling and used to go abroad for us with exhibitions . ’
25 He remained keen on jiving and would throw himself all over the place , hair wild and eyes sparkling .
26 N.B. Care must be taken not to allow either stain or ethanol to flow onto the non-specimen-bearing surface , as this produces surface tensions during drying that may rupture the carbon — formvar film .
27 The mogul 's chassis is approaching readiness for re-wheeling but will undergo a BR inspection beforehand .
28 ‘ It is very much a company worth watching and will continue to surprise , ’ wrote author Clive Rassam .
29 It may live longer , but it will be less successful at reproducing and may fail to pass on its genes .
30 Thought I still thought , when that was done , it might be worthwhile to sniff around here and there for any leads worth following that might turn up the stolen phetam .
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